Oct 19, 2008

Shandong Province on the employment of graduates from the grass-roots-oriented policies are those?

General Office of Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the General Office of the provincial government issued "on the guide and encourage college graduates to implement employment-oriented grass-roots", issued a series of guide and encourage college graduates grass-roots-oriented employment policy measures:

    (1) of graduates to 30 in Shandong Province Economic Daxian job back. Graduates account can remain in the country of origin or moved, according to their will to work to move; from 2006, on a voluntary basis after graduation 30 economy in our province to back Daxian hard work of the industry's college graduates, the service life of 5 years in school during the national student loan principal and interest, on behalf of the Financial reimbursement; to 30 in Shandong Province Economic Daxian job back Of college graduates, the implementation of direct wage to positive rating and raise the wage level 2. State organs, institutions recorded in the official (recruits) to use the college graduates, according to his work at the grassroots level during the basic old-age insurance premium paid by the number of years, together for the length of service. The following work units in the township of graduates in the promotion of titles, the same conditions, priority assessment.

     (2) graduates of their own businesses and flexible employment policies. Industry and commerce, labor and social security, and science and technology sector to provide them with targeted projects, advisory services and other information. The establishment of business-to guide, micro-credit, tax relief, the follow-up services business into one of the training service system: college graduates choosing to engage in self-employed during the (national restrictions on the industry, with the exception of career), since the industrial and commercial administration departments to register From the date of registration, 3 years category exempt from registration, certification and management of the various categories of administrative charges: 3 years enjoy the exemption of business tax, urban construction tax to maintain,教育费附加, local education and personal income tax surcharge; College Graduates to apply for small business loans, in the light of unemployed small way to guarantee loans for. Financial arrangements for the start to take part in all aspects of society to raise part of the way, to establish a "college graduates venture capital" to support college graduates venture projects secured or discount: flexibility in the employment of graduates during participated in the basic old-age insurance in the future Or the examination to recruit all levels of party and government organs, institutions work to pay the basic old-age insurance of life can be together for the length of service.

     (3) of graduates to various types of small and medium enterprises and the non-public employment units. Graduates account may fall flat, or fall on the local government-owned service personnel set up households on the collective; in the assessment of professional titles, Employees of state-owned enterprises and non-discriminatory. Engaged in scientific and technological work in support of its procedures required to apply for various types of science and technology projects of the province; participated in the basic old-age insurance in the future or the examination to recruit state organs and institutions work, to pay the basic old-age insurance can be life Together for the length of service.

(4) actively guide and encourage college graduates to work in grassroots units below the county level. "One Village (home), a college project." From 2006 onwards, each year the organization to recruit college graduates to the rural part of the community and work for 5 years to achieve the province each village, each at least a community college graduates. Graduates to work in urban communities, which pay no less than 800 yuan: to work in rural areas can be arranged through the legal procedures as the village party branches and village corresponding duties, municipal and county levels of government to give not less than 600 yuan of living subsidies from their personnel files at the county level personnel departments. Graduates in the village, community neighborhood committee has worked for at least 2 years, 3 years in our province took the civil service, written in the total increase in 4 minutes. Candidates and institutions of our province, through an appropriate increase in the score, as well as other preferential policies, with priority given to applicants of provincial post-graduate institutions, in the initial increase in the total score 10 points, giving priority to the one under the same conditions; chosen to increase this year's outstanding graduate of University Health to train grass-roots efforts, chosen at the grass-roots Health has worked for at least 2 years after study has shown the better, in a timely manner to the selection into the grass-roots party and government leading bodies. In the future, party and government organs at or above the county to add the civil service, priority should be chosen from a selection of students; from 2006 onwards, Zhejiang Province, the city of New Study levels recorded in the civil service, with more than 2 years of grass-roots work experience of college graduates (including candidates Professional specialty positions), the ratio must not be less than one-third increase over the years since: county and township authorities to recruit civil servants, we should focus on selecting from the rural community and the work of more than 2-year colleges and universities to recruit graduates, the ratio must not be less than 50%.

     (5) vigorously implement the grass-roots service program for college graduates. In accordance with the open recruitment, voluntary registration, selection of the organization, to send a unified way, from 2006 onwards for 5 years, the annual selection of 2,000 college graduates, mainly to the township to engage in cultural, educational, Agriculture, poverty relief and medical teams: college graduates to the grass-roots volunteer services for a period of 2 years. During the service, to give 1,000 yuan per person per month living allowance and transport subsidies, and for personal accident insurance for hospitalization and medical insurance. 30 arrears to the economic Daxian services at a cost of the provinces, cities and counties (cities, districts) according to the financial burden on the ratio of 5:3:2. After the expiry of the service, the jobs market; volunteer service in the western province of rural services and participate in the program for college graduates, the expiry of the service by a qualified appraisal, employment is no longer implemented after the probationary period, their participation in volunteer time can be combined For the calculation of length of service; title promotion, assessment of priority under the same conditions; 3 years in our province took the civil service, written in the total increase in 4 minutes: applying our province's institutions, through an appropriate increase in the score, as well as other preferential policies, with priority given to ; Session of the provincial institutions to apply for graduate students in the initial increase in the total score 10 points, giving priority to the one under the same conditions.

     [6) for the implementation of grass-roots oriented employment system for students. Provincial colleges and universities to encourage grass-roots level in accordance with our province especially in rural areas of the practical needs of human resources, the implementation of targeted recruitment, grass-roots level need to speed up the training of practical talents. According to the provincial colleges and universities can be grass-roots demand situation, the grass-roots level with employers and candidates to cultivate and signing of the directional orientation employment agreement. According to the provincial education administrative departments in charge of the school signed an agreement to schedule orientation program and students do a good job in implementation. Admissions can be directed to take a separate line, due to lower Score: soliciting students to complete their studies after obtaining employment by the provincial authorities in accordance with an agreement to send to employers.

     (7) do a solid job in college graduates for employment-based outreach security services. Active employment guidance and

Force graduates to encourage those who have employment policies? What conditions should be?

Force graduates to be eligible for employment the following policies:

  (]) Graduates to join the army, the commentary award for the first time in the military ranks, any assessment for professional and technical positions, as well as determine the level of expertise in areas such as housing allocation, with the same period of the study into the military academy graduates enjoy the same treatment. Apprenticeship, which will be college graduates as a platoon level, the title of second lieutenant; graduates from the apprenticeship, which will be designated as vice-even level, the rank of lieutenant; master's study as being even level, the rank of captain; doctoral students are available as a business , The rank of Major. If there are pre-school experience will be considered separately.

  (2) General probationary period of one year. All the countries designated in remote regions hard troops serving graduates, no probationary period, since the report date to determine which functions conferred the rank level; to implement the rotation system has worked for at least a certain number of years, can be adjusted to give priority to the Mainland or Resident better work force. Graduate school of a spouse or love object is a college graduate, joined the army in line to receive the scope of and conditions, as required to receive military service.

According to the former State Education Commission, the People's Liberation Army General Political Department in 1997 a joint notice, graduates of higher learning (does not include Wei Pei, the orientation of Health) to join the army, should have the following conditions:

(1) support the Party's basic line, to the motherland, love the military, volunteers dedicate themselves to national defense cause, in line with the political conditions for citizens on active duty.

(2) well above the average academic performance.

(3), graduates of no more than 25 years of age; graduate school age, as the case may be.

(4) health and the People's Liberation Army in the light of the specific conditions of the institutions to recruit students of the Huai implementation of the standard physical examination. To the grass-roots army command post graduates should have a good temperament and strong physique. Professional and technical posts to the graduates of vision and height, without affecting the work under the premise may be appropriate to relax.

7, the military college graduates to receive the "recruitment" What's the difference?

The main difference is as follows: belonging to the military conscription for military service, obligatory. Despite the recent years in order to enhance the cultural quality of the recruits collected, agencies at all levels of military service in the rising percentage of high school students collected at the same time, but also pay attention to absorb some higher education professionals to military service, but the essence is to force the army. The graduates of local colleges and universities, colleges and universities refer to receive this year's university graduates or postgraduates, to directly serve as officers or civilian positions.

Oct 18, 2008

Q & A knowledge of employment

11. Interviews basic courtesy

(1) on time is a basic courtesy. To carry out interviews, once the traffic jam on the road, it is estimated to be late, they should immediately call the company about the future or do you interview people and tell the other side, where you plug in, the number of minutes may be late, and apologize.

(2) If there is no recruitment unit set up switchboard staff, the recruitment of job-seekers to reach the unit, directly to the reception staff to do a brief self-introduction, and then directly to the interview room, look around everywhere, bear in mind.

(3) if a number of small businesses did not wait for the room, in an interview outside the office waiting. When the office opened the door to be polite to say: "Excuse me!" And then to show that they are indoor interviewer to the interview, never ventured into.

(4) to reach the venue before the interview, both in the corridors or elevators, if they interview the company's staff should designate Limaodiwen and pay attention to his demeanor, remember to ask questions.

(5) if they enter the knock on the door, knocking the two is more standard. Is not to knock on the door too hard. Door after door will not readily be turned into the door is, hands softly closed the door.

(6) to wait for the interviewer to indicate when you sit down, do not arbitrarily decide where to sit.

(7) should be avoided and Tao Jiaoqing interviewer. In the interview, the interviewer should be avoided and Taojiao Qing, or easy to have a mature enough adverse impression.

12. Understanding of how the trial period

In general, the probationary period for the formal wage employment is lower than the wages that some company on the basis of a formal wage employment 70% of the grant. In addition, during the probation period, generally do not have the right to paid holidays and other benefits, and so on. As a result, during the probation period recruits due diligence should not only work at an early date for the trial period and bounds, at the same time, but also to take care of themselves, do not delay the work due to illness.

Probationary period and the probationary period is a completely different concept, some employers will try to replace the probationary period, disguised extension of the probationary period in order. Probationary period applicable to the specialized college graduates, is just graduated from college graduates in the preparation of cadres into the country prior to the development of the evaluation period. Probationary period is for employers and graduates in the labor contract signed an agreement when the evaluation period, with the Labor Code arising from the implementation.

During the probation period, employers should be in accordance with the law for workers to pay social insurance premiums.

Probationary period for wages below the local minimum wage can not.

Will be on probation from a separate labor contract, entered into a separate "trial period of the contract" is against the law.

Graduates in the labor contract during the probation period, do not assume responsibility for breach of contract.

The renewal of the labor contract, agreed to repeat the trial period is illegal.

13. Probationary period should pay attention to

(1) well-dressed;

(2) Do not be late or early;

(3) as soon as possible to understand the company culture;

(4) when a happy orderly, things do not suffer;

(5) respect for my colleagues, seek with an open mind, do not be afraid to say "I do not know";

(6) entrusted to do a good job of everything. For the beginning of the white-collar workers, bosses or colleagues for the tasks of everything, regardless of size, should make every effort to overcome all difficulties to in the shortest possible time to complete the perfect;

(7) Do not involved in the vortex of right and wrong;

(8) Do not be a failure contusion. The beginning of the new jobs will inevitably lead to errors, the next time to avoid, at the same time continue to encourage its own: no matter how great the people will make mistakes, which is normal, I will do better next time. In order to increase self-esteem and improve the work of passion.

14. To sign the employment agreement

(1) graduates to their agreement "that" fill in good agreement by the graduates to fill in the basic content (in triplicate at the same time to fill in);

(2) graduates and employers reached an agreement of employment, graduates in the agreement signed or sealed, employers in the signing of the agreement and affix its official seal;

(3) Employers reported that the higher authorities for approval, signed, official seal;

(4) employers and graduates in the signing of the agreement from the date of the agreement will be ten working days to send students to school career center;

(5) Student Career Center after the forensic examination of official seals, the agreement will be fed back to employers and the graduates themselves, at the same time included in the proposed employment program.

15. What are the employment agreement for the agreement null and void

Employment agreements are null and void because of a lack of effective elements of the employment agreement or employment agreement entered into in violation of the principle of no force of law so as to the agreement. Since the agreement null and void from the date made null and void.

Employment in the work that every one of the following circumstances, the agreements are null and void:

(1) non-graduates, I leavers entered into the agreement;

(2) employers have not employed or not employed the power scheme;

(3) do not meet the national employment policy, employment or the scope of the employment agreement;

(4) to take the fraud, concealment, false means, such as the signing of the agreement;

(5) without the employer and its authorities to sign and affix the official seal agreement;

(6), or other violations of laws and regulations and provisions of the employment policies of the agreement.

16. Signing what they should pay attention to the problem

(1) signing is a very serious matter, but also a legal act, therefore, before the signing of the understanding of the importance of negotiations. Graduates should learn more about employers, in general, including the size, efficiency, management systems and so on; attached to the unit is also important; understanding of the employment status and place of work, such as treatment. State organs and institutions, the state-owned enterprises generally have the right to receive personnel; private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises are to go through the Shanghai Personnel Bureau or talent exchange centers of the examination and approval in order to recruit workers, the agreement should be signed by them to be effective. Graduates also deal with different parts of the personnel department in charge of the special provisions have to understand, with the exception of agreement, such as the Beijing non-local students should also be in Beijing after the city of College Personnel Department for approval, Shanghai, Guangdong and Fujian Provinces, and so on have Similar.

(2) the general to report back after the employers of graduates and employers to sign labor contracts, so the contract before signing the contract to understand the content of the book is essential, particularly important contract jobs, and length of treatment. Graduates to recruit staff or request a sample copy, so as not to report back after the dispute, suffered a great loss.

(3) in order to avoid employing units to report back after the dispute, signing

Q & A knowledge of employment of university students

1. What is meant by "merit recommendation of a two-way choice"

Recommended is the best school, according to Department of employers to provide the information, first priority would be to overall quality, outstanding performance compared with the employer or the special conditions of employment of graduates to study employers. Two-way choice is the employer according to their own needs and standards of personnel selection, job hiring, job seekers based on their own terms, the voluntary choice and value to employers, to determine whether or interview candidates, the two sides of supply and demand through face-to-face talks with each other option, After the intention to form a unified employment reached an agreement.

2. What is the employment agreement

Employment agreement refers to job-seekers and employers choosing among established for the hiring or employment relationship and the agreement reached. College graduates obtaining employment agreement with the employers of graduates in employment, in order to determine the hiring or employment relationship, according to consensus reached by both sides clearly the rights and obligations of a written agreement. It is a form of contract.

University graduates to use the provincial education department produced a unified, "the employment of college graduates agreement" signed an agreement with the employers. Each graduate can only have an agreement. If the agreement destroyed, lost or effective lifting of the original agreement, graduates can I re-apply for a renewal of the agreement, the destruction of their original agreement to be renewed; In addition to the termination of their original agreement, some units scheduled by the Termination of the written comments in order to replace the existing agreement; of termination and re-submit the missing.

3. How to fill out the "Recommended graduate employment"

(1) According to the list of recommended "that" truthfully fill out the project;

(2) school system (house), fill out the full name of the profession;

(3) to be posted half an inch hat photo, official seal and stamp department;

(4) and fill in the name of the account, name cards must be consistent, should not vary, or give hiring, job preparation and approval of the program, reporting procedures for bringing unnecessary troubles;

(5) other basic information necessary to accurately fill out;

(6) is home address changes from time to time with the school, must produce a "migration card accounts" or "account book" Original, the review of the faculty, students work in the Department of recognition by now fill in the address, home address and students to different persons, Home address in the column marked;

(7), the situation rewards and punishments to fill in school, grade level and above levels of reward, punishment cases;

(8) self-identification should be objective and concise;

(9) academic fields can be attached to the Senate if there is a department official seal of academic achievement alone may not be altered.

(10) recommended to fill in form after a specified time to pay school and college review of the sealed, so that before the winter break back to the graduates.

4. Truthfully fill in the recommended list is not what will happen

School and college graduates will strictly review the recommendation forms to fill in and found not filled out truthfully, back and re-filled criticism and education, the circumstances are serious disciplinary measures should be taken. If the contract or the report, the employers of graduates found that as a result of fraud and the lifting of the withdrawal or revocation of the employment agreement, and its graduates by the individual responsible for the consequences.

5. What is supply and demand will be met

Supply and demand will be met, also known as the exchange of talent will, it is through employers and job seekers are choosing the two sides face-to-face negotiation, the two-way selection, employment intentions in order to reach an agreement or a job, the job market is a model. Training and the establishment of school-based, government-led graduate employment market, employment of college graduates is a general reform of the system of one of the important goals. Since 1996, the Office of Higher Education in Shaanxi Province, and other authorities organized every year by the provincial Union, according to the categories of professional or sub-contractor's point of the province's college graduates will be employed to meet supply and demand. In addition to the reunification of the province of organized activities to meet the supply and demand, the colleges and universities also held a variety of circumstances in accordance with our small and medium-sized to meet the demand and supply activities for the graduates choose careers and employers to provide opportunities and create a fair, just and open environment. According to various cities and counties in the region will be the actual situation of supply and demand to meet the activities of the organization. Graduates should be based on individual circumstances, to selectively participate in the supply and demand will be met.

6. To participate in large-scale recruitment, which will keep an eye on a few points

(1) to pre-clear their own conditions, have a right to their position;

(2) when participants had better not put on too much of the original certificate;

(3) to make full use of the journal recruitment;

(4), a selective curriculum vitae delivery;

(5) for a good first impression;

(6) full of self-confidence and the courage to express their own conditions and aspirations;

(7) after two to three days in a timely manner with interested employers to contact and can not wait passively.

7. Understanding of the way information

(1) the use of schools and social institutions of employment;

(2) to the employees and former employees of understanding, consultation;

(3) Internet inquiries;

(4) to see the unit's promotional materials and related media coverage of the unit.

8. Before the interview, the company should know in advance what information

(1) the company's corporate culture, history and background;

(2) The company's products and services;

(3) the company's major competitors and industry characteristics;

(4) the company's organizational structure and design departments;

(5) its training aimed at increasing the opportunities;

(6) The company paid more or less the situation;

(7), the company's recruitment of key posts and related requirements.

9. During a job interview how to overcome the psychological tension

(1) 15 minutes early;

(2) Take a deep breath;

(3) to imagine themselves playing a very good thing, to boost the morale of their own;

(4) Do not force a smile, as the time could not even nervous;

(5) prepared.

10. During a job interview, dress should pay attention to what issues

Boys: black, white, gray tricolor most insurance, not to Chuan Siwa, the White Sox, the suit within a certain wear long-sleeved shirt, do not have a chip scalp school, you can go look at themselves in the bathroom mirror insurance compared with the shoeshine cloth Clean shoes.

Girls: dress no more than three colors; do not wear tight, exposed clothes; do not wear earrings too; do not wear bracelets.

Malaysia knowledge of employment Q & A

1, after completing their studies in Malaysia, the possibility of employment in Malaysia?

With a student visa can not be employed in Malaysia. Only people who hold employment visas can only be employed in Malaysia. As a result, employment in Malaysia would like to, first of all there is to be Malaysia's employment, and has been working visa, can be employed in Malaysia.

In recent years, some students in Malaysia to engage in their own individual businesses, such a development is also an opportunity, for example, have engaged in the catering industry, Malaysia and China have engaged in trade and so on. However, some engaged in improper professional, such as the sale of fake diplomas and documents, and selling cars. We hope that our students will never engage in such business.

Pat, how to prepare them for job interviews?

The success of the interview, depending on your well-prepared before the interview, communication skills, critical and thinking, communication ability and sense of responsibility and emotional control, adaptability, self-confidence and the spirit of cooperation, and so is the focus of study. In the pre-candidates need to thoroughly understand you are going to the candidates or companies, the candidate of your job, in-depth analysis of your personal strengths, and set out for their own candidates on the merits of the unit, weaknesses, you understand why the candidates or the company? Can you as a unit or company to do? Understanding of the interview examiners will study what? Understanding of the recruiters who ask the question? How will you answer?

By-laws: Frequently Asked Questions

☆ to talk about your own situation and family

☆ What is your expertise and love?

☆ to talk about your main strengths and weaknesses

☆ you satisfied with your performance you? Why?

Why do we have recruited ☆ your unit, your strengths?

☆ you find a job first consider what is it?

☆ hope you pay is how much?

☆ What do you think you work for?

☆ our units graduate students, undergraduates more as a vocational college students what you think or intend?

We have recruited ☆ The staff plans to produce in the first-line, what are your thoughts?

☆ If you can not be optimistic about the job you are employed, whether they agree to change to other posts?

☆ If you can not be recruited, what are your thoughts?

☆ why your school is not good?

☆ you work on any special request?

We are not in the city ☆ units, what are your thoughts?

☆ your short-term goal?

☆ you how to assess the success?

☆ in the school during which you have participated in social practice, and gain experience of what?

2, pre-interview

1) prepare psychologically prepared for the interview

2) ready to graduate employment forms and recommend the certificates, such as "Three students," and "outstanding student cadres" and "outstanding member", "young volunteers" and other relevant certificates, foreign languages, computer skills, such as certificates certificate .

3) a copy of the relevant materials in order bookbinding, for interviews to the main test of people.

4) University during the school know, the director of the review of the system, and so do in order to take specific measures to try to answer the main question by the people.

5) to learn more about employers, such as the natural location of the units, the nature of the work, salary treatment, industry characteristics, such as development prospects.

6) maintain a good spirit, courage and confidence.

3, interview notes

1) with a good resume, recommendation forms and other relevant materials. In the application form filled out to memorize the contents of that interview might be discussed.

2) Do not forget that brought Zhi Hebi, do not forget to record important information or critical data.

3) Do not bring the same to the people, the unit will not leave the impression of self-confidence is not independent.

4) Do not arrive on time - to advance to! Best 10-15 minutes in advance, be psychologically prepared the instrument together.

5) When talking to the other side to listen carefully, do not interrupt, to answer questions when warm, frank, modest, with the other party interested in an acceptable way of expression.

6) covers a broad range of perspectives, be sure other people's point of view, even if it is part of, and then to present its point of view, this was easier to accept.

7) use the data to show that you make on the more convincing.

8) involving schools, teachers and students view, the more others talk about the merits of others, as well as help you, including your competitors to show you the quality of training, others will give a good impression.

9) Do not boast too much themselves, describe themselves, the evaluation of the use of statements that combination of specific examples have been more convincing.

10) You have to ask questions, not to mention the issue in the interview is a fatal error! Questions so that you can learn more about the company, to the point at the same time, targeted and depth of the problems you can see that the examiners to the company and job preparedness As well as the capability of the quality and.

11) should pay attention to your prompt response to the interviewer.

12) polite modesty, including the receptionist, the receptionist is often in front of examiners.

13) sit upon to maintain good posture, not to glance right and left, at the end of Good-bye, please and thank.

14) to maintain eye contact with the interviewer, to prove your self-confidence.

Nine graduates of the employment agreement entered into what procedure?

(A) of the employment process in the province

1. Shandong graduates landed the employment of college graduates search information network unit and its intention to send electronic curriculum vitae; (specifically: landing, job search / quick search, type the name of the unit, click on the demand position, curriculum vitae delivery; to be previously College in Shandong Graduate employment information network to create an electronic curriculum vitae and generate curriculum vitae)

2. Employers send graduates to sign the invitation;

3. Graduates should be about, set up on-line signing. Employment agreement automatically sent to the forensic department in charge of graduate employment;

4. Printing unit of employment agreement (in triplicate) and sealed, and graduates have signed employment agreement to review the school career center;

5. Vetted and approved schools, employment agreement employment information into a database program.

(B) Foreign employment program

Seven, how to prepare the material itself?

Zi Jianxin materials, including ourselves, are the biographical notes, transcripts, skills certificate, certificate of honor, proof of graduation, and other necessary materials and the production of the unified school graduate employment recommended list.

1, Zi Jianxin

Zi Jianxin is a graduate of self letter of introduction, the cover letter that is designed to get employers to understand, value and interest, eventually hiring employers. Employers in the recruitment process, both to the school to meet with students, or to allow students to put themselves forward to the mailing materials unit. First of all graduates often read the material itself, and which to compare screening, and then inform the choice of candidates for interview. Zi Jianxin written, the material is ready to put themselves forward for the opportunity to obtain an interview with an important role.

1) Zi Jianxin format

Zi Jianxin the general format is called, the body, at the end, such as the inscribed parts. Employers should be stated at the beginning of the personnel department leadership, "the distinguished leadership of the President, manager, or director of the Director."

The body is the core of Zi Jianxin, I should indicate that the basic conditions of employment and intention.

At the end of the body in general, according to a letter format to write "I wish success!" "Congratulations to the prosperity of the company," I wish the phrase "Sincerely, salute," and expressed the hope that there is a chance to interview, "I hope that thanks to the complex" Or "look forward to hearing from you."

Department signed on to write "who put themselves forward ×××"。 Finally, accompanied by their own schools, professional, class, name, mailing address, zip code, telephone, E-mail address and time.

2, Zi Jianxin:

◆ simple self-introduction

◆ learned professional characteristics and the application of the departments or positions

◆ in school during the study and professional courses

◆ ability to adapt to the post, computer class, language and other skills, such as grading

◆ strengths and advantages

◆ job of intent (with related materials, such as various types of certificates, and so on.)

3, Zi Jianxin Notes

Zi Jianxin should be a good basic conditions of their employment and a clear expression of intent, and to be able to read the letter left a good impression.

● opening new and clever presentation

● sincere and appropriate wording, but does not show off elegant, self-confident but not arrogant

● focus on the reality, targeted and seeking truth from facts, Qingzhenyiqie

● concise, clear and well-organized, neat handwriting

● avoid fraud, deception Employers

4, Annex

Annex include a variety of skills level certificate, a copy of an honorary certificate and so on.

5, materials list

If the content of the material Zi Jianxin more, plus the best in the home directory. Back catalog material should be the order of discharge, in order to give a clear, transparent feel.

6, cover, back cover

Ourselves the best materials coupled with the cover, back cover. Cover, back cover designed to be binding, with elegant aesthetics, the pursuit of beautiful solemn. In addition to the above requirements cover, they also have to write the next one-fifth of the Department schools, professional, the name. In the back under one-fifth of the Department to write on school address, contact information, and so on.

7, photo

A recent, hat 2-inch color photos

8, a copy of

Delivery of materials to use a copy of itself to retain the original. So that some requests for employment and the agreement itself and the original material. Therefore, in order to retain the original so good with the employers to sign the "employment agreement" to use.

Sixth, the employment of graduates recommend what form the role?

Graduate Employment table recommended by the House and the Department of completing the reunification of the stamp College graduate employment center official seal valid, the form of a comprehensive assessment and recommendations by the counselor in charge of fill, and to institute on behalf of the employing units to the recommendation is Comparison of graduates to prove the identity of the authority and reliability of the materials, the employer is the main basis for acceptance of graduates.

Graduate Employment recommended the original form only a person, students may not secretly altered, when candidates can be sent a copy to the unit, with the intention of the employment units to reach the original settlement unit.

Five graduates how to obtain employment information?

1, graduates from schools, teachers, relatives and friends, newspapers, Internet and other channels to obtain employment information;

2, college graduate employment center and the Ministry secondary hospital to collect the information needs of graduate employment is the main source of information. The channel's job to collect reliable information on the real, targeted, about 50% to 60% of the graduates from the school's release of employment information to find employment in the unit. Recommendations graduates must take full advantage of this resource, do not miss the opportunity. Based on the principle of fair competition, employment information for all graduate employment center to the timely release of all the graduates, graduates should take the initiative concerned about the employment guidance center released the information needs of employers, bearing in mind the time-sensitive information.

College graduates employment guide center, mainly through the graduate employment center field of employment promotion, employment guidance center for employment information network (www.rzbys.cn), mass SMS (Career Center each year in junior school students will be after the mobile phone statistics Number, enter Qingtongxuemen after the third, it should not replace the phone number), and other employment information published.

Fourth, there are those graduates seeking ways?

Fourth, there are those graduates seeking ways?

1. Through the school graduates seeking employment guidance;

2. Talent at all levels of society through the job market;

3. Job-seekers through the mass media;

4. Social practice through training or job search;

5. Through a variety of social relations job.

Third, students and graduates is determined by how?

To confirm the location of the students. Students identified as the location of the hospital on报省人事厅graduate students and employment programs. Shandong's students graduate students to the specific location of the counties (cities, districts), students from other provinces of graduates, students and specific to the city.

Among them, as high school admitted to the hospital, in strict accordance with the "simple registration form to enroll students" to check the students, and students can not be changed. Indeed as a result of changes in the family household, to be issued after the change in the police station where they are residing out of the household registration certificate (original), public security departments at the county level to stamp account Seal; counterparts through education (by secondary vocational schools or secondary schools) I was admitted to the hospital, students and graduates in order to confirm the location of the family household as the main basis for

Second, What is the procedure for obtaining employment?

1, recommended the school be responsible for the employment of graduates, graduates obtain jobs through various channels of information;

2, graduates and employers to meet supply and demand, two-way choice;

3, graduates and employers to sign "Graduate Employment Agreement";

4, the school "graduate employment agreement" to identify;

5, from school to the employment program graduates reported to the provincial department in charge of employment.

Employment Department opened talks responded enthusiastically to the employment of knowledge

The evening of Sept. 23, employment guidance in the Training Hall floor, held talks on job knowledge. Nearly 200 students to participate actively and earnestly to speak, interactive Q & A, the atmosphere is very warm.

Employment Service Director Hiroshi first students to explain and publicize the employment situation and the macroeconomic dynamics of employment and the employment of new college introduced new ideas and initiatives. China Ping An Insurance Human Resources Manager Wei Dong from the perspective of business recruitment, to teach the students communication skills, candidates should have the mentality, as well as the needs of business professionals, such as what kind of knowledge. Students on their interest in all aspects of the site to ask questions, answer the wonderful teachers won thunderous applauses from the atmosphere hot, warm response.

To carry out talks on the employment of knowledge to guide the work of employment is one aspect of the job will be to guide the use of the classroom for the hospital to provide direction graduates of vocational guidance.

Oct 17, 2008

Top six post-graduate professional career prospects observation of Finance

The direction of the employment list

Whether graduate or master's degree graduates, finance graduates on the whole, the employment forecast the direction of economic analysis, foreign trade, marketing, management and so on, if we can get some of the qualification, employment will face broader and higher levels of employment Duan, also better treatment, such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM), fund managers, actuaries, securities brokers, stock analysts and so on.

(1) analysis of the economic forecasting and management consultants

Economic analysts predict a very wide range of industries, but generally only in the various sectors of the transnational corporations, large and medium-sized enterprises and the government's economic policy-making departments, public research institutions will be set up. Responsible for a variety of market data collection and analysis. The importance of more and more jobs. And management consulting staff is the main flow of a number of consulting firms, such as IT consulting, strategic consulting, marketing consulting, auditing, market counseling.

(2) staff of foreign trade

"World factory" products, sales to foreign customers; for domestic customers looking for foreign sources; organization of international trade of goods such as logistics. A significant proportion of foreign trade in the experience of mature, set up their own foreign trade companies.

(3) management positions

Undergraduate and graduate students are not the same, most of them during a master's degree in the study are involved in a number of social practice, with some work experience, it's formal entry into the community, also gained a number of management positions, such as production management, administration, personnel management And financial management.

(4) fund managers

Among them, as more funds and fund management companies have, the community will need a large number of fund managers, fund managers are among the line of high-level personnel, their duties can be divided into: a charge of fund-raising; Responsible for the operation and management of the Fund; in charge of private and public funds after the monitoring. At present, in this area are very scarce, their career prospects. The fund industry professional managers again demand the largest fund managers. To become a qualified fund managers is not easy to have a master's degree in general education, there is risk control expertise background, but also has strong multi-disciplinary, multi-industry analysis to determine the ability, a keen sense of smell of the market and enrich the practice of Experience is necessary.

(5) of the Securities broker

The quality requirements of the Securities brokers focused on two aspects: First, a solid knowledge of the Finance Fund; Second, based on the market come after the long-term observation of investment experience; securities investment is due to the high-risk, high-yield investments, as Securities brokers must pass to the regime change in the trend of the market price, to grasp the law, combined with the impact of the price of securities analysis of a variety of factors, and have gradually accumulated considerable experience in investment and skilled ability to operate the business.

In recent years, the number of shareholders in a straight line up. The huge investment for the securities dealers group had been the rise of a huge market. China's securities brokers have a securities salesman, a commission agent, intermediary brokers, exchanges of sub-broker intermediaries.

(6) stock analyst

Stock analyst for the main stock market investors with stock market investment advisory services, and the organization of seminars, lectures, analysis, and so on, some stock analysts Stock published in the press articles, as well as through radio and television media, such as public investment in the stock market to provide services . In our country to engage in stock analysis, to have college education or above, as well as engaging in securities business for more than two years experience in assessing needs, "the basis of portfolio investment theory," and "Securities Investment Analysis of the" two courses. Pass the exam to be eligible officers to the location of the securities management or to apply directly to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, approval, in order to obtain qualification certificates. To obtain a certificate of qualification through their securities investment advisory body to the securities management departments, so as to obtain licensing and finally by the Securities Association issued a practicing certificate.

Employment prospects for the future direction of intellectual property rights very good

First, the recruiting department: Haier the Department of Intellectual Property

Second, professional requirements:

Patent direction

1, Master of Laws (the direction of intellectual property rights, for the first academic science and engineering, electronics, communications, mechanical and electrical products, automation priority),

Master's degree in engineering or (more professional requirements)

2, versed in the business of intellectual property rights, familiar with the patent application, write, review of the literature familiar with the patent search and analysis,

Enterprises are familiar with the planning and operation of intellectual property rights (master's degree may be appropriate to relax, but requires strong technical expertise);

3, 6 and above in English, have good command of English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability

4, through an agent or patent bar exam priority;

5, with good communication skills, team spirit and sense of innovation and learning in practice, the analytical ability;

6, diligent, pragmatic and positive, toughness, a strong sense of responsibility.

Third, the drop boxes biographical notes:

Curriculum vitae will be sent to: xxfw@haier.com

Format: Resume Job-XX University - San professional-XX

Deadline: April 25, we delivered curriculum vitae as soon as possible, preferably on April 24 before the delivery, we will interview other matters.

IV treatment: the provision of competitive salaries.

V. Intellectual Property Department:

Haier Group is responsible for the development and implementation of patent strategy, patent and mining operations, as well as technical support to promote the patent; responsible for the standardization of the Group strategy and standards for the rise in international, national and industry standards to promote and support.

Sixth, Haier Group

Haier Group is the world's fourth-largest white goods manufacturer, is also China's top 100 electronic information enterprises in the first. Owns more than 240 corporate units, more than 30 countries around the world to establish the local design center, manufacturing base and trading companies, employs more than 50,000 the total number of people, focusing on the development of science and technology, industry, trade, finance four pillar industries, 2006 , The world's Haier to achieve turnover of 107,500,000,000 yuan. In the face of new global competition, Haier established global brand strategy, to start "the creation of resources, global reputation as a" spirit of enterprise and the "one-person-in-one, quick Su Sheng" work style, self-challenge, the challenge tomorrow, for the record Its own brand name and continuing innovation in the world!

Knowledge of employment

Your character do for work?

u-operation of such people born with flexible arms and legs, and enjoy playing with good study materials for selection to carry out a number of specific operations, such as the establishment and maintenance of networks, such as after-sales service market, the need for more hands-on professional capacity.

u research that people like to be alone, the abstract thinking ability, and good use of symbols and concepts to consider, loving intelligence activities, to choose for scientific research, medicine, computer programming, and so on.

u-art sensitivity of such strong people, rich in emotion, the ability to think better the image, like the unusual, unconventional, dynamic and do not want to be limited to conventional rigid, suitable choice of design, performance, editor Reporter, clothing beauty make-up Category.

generous u-loving people of such contacts, and all good people, happy to serve and help others, optimistic, cheerful enthusiasm for choice of health care, child education, tourism, social work, domestic service and so on.

u-tongue argue that such language ability, like speak eloquently, in full flight, language should be flexible and agile for program host, broadcasting, lawyers, teachers, professional marketing, and so on.

u-business person of such cool-headed, pragmatic and down-to-earth and the courage to take risks,心理承受力good, strong resilience, optimism, self-confidence, do not want people lived, suitable for bonds, and self-management entities.

u-implementation of such a life of obedience careful, methodical planning in favor of an environment suitable option accounting, statistics, clerical, records management, hotels and so on a regular basis career.

Election or the election's first work?

First elected to the company or the work of the election is to determine the cause of personal development, the direction has been determined, we must uphold for a long time.

If in the hope that a stable environment in the development of progressive, with individual units, and gradually promoted to the qualifications, which does not adhere to engage in the kind of level, can be considered a priority target for the company. This type of joint venture companies with the majority, but also a large state-owned enterprises.

If the pursuit of professional and hope to do a professional manager, do not want to be round and to have learned nothing to do, or not close working relationship in the field, even in the convertible when it is not willing to sacrifice their own this Line, should work for the re-orientation.

The following five types of people in the enterprise are not easy to be taken seriously, take a look at, do you belong to one of them?

In general, a fresh graduates from the first day of work until the work can be fully qualified for most of the needs of more than six months time, if the business has been good until the culture of the enterprise by reusing, it normally takes one to two years or so. Should pay attention to his day in the unit.

The following are five types of unbalanced state of mind is not easy to reuse by:


This type of person who often think they can easily do the work, once there are changes in his practical work, you immediately lose their will to fight and become the blame on others, follow the crowd.

l-paid far too much

This type of people who work with the new stress and psychological fear, without conditions or subject to a higher level of instruction, advice. Process-oriented work "to do" and ignored the work of the desired effect.

l do not care -

This type of home most of the graduates in an advantageous location, the work itself and the treatment does not matter who's attitude, so easy to work due to irresponsible as a result is not satisfied with the work, and even mistakes.


Some do not have a strong professional or an over-supply of the popular subject of professional graduates looking for work when there is no clear goals, easy, "eating a bowl, think of the pot." Can not be fully invested in the work.


This type of graduates choosing to treatment for the first time, if the treatment is not satisfied with the work of the show will be negative and emotional.

This year's college graduates how to use Internet job search?

A few days ago, the national talent market in the second session of the General Assembly to recruit college graduates in various parts of the network held around the Sichuan University graduates have "access", but how rational utilization of network resources, to find a good job, many graduates are not very familiar with the . A few days ago, this reporter interviewed more than a job, let them come to support their graduates Zhi Zhao.

First of all, understand the relevant policies and regulations

According to recruit the talent market in Chengdu head Wu Jie, this year's curriculum vitae before the delivery of Health, it is best to glance at the introduction of on-line from around the world. Chengdu will be recruited from the network before the two-day situation, this year's Health is the largest number of Internet consulting how to stay in Chengdu. If we do not understand the Shanghai Personnel Bureau, the Board of Education's policy of Health this year to stay or go, there will be confusion. He reminded the university students against their own circumstances, to the job in the city center, the Shanghai Personnel Bureau, the College Career Center Web site to see relevant policies, or associated with the exchange of staff.

As far as possible to highlight their biggest advantage

According to the Sichuan Provincial Center for a talent to experts, online job against us and the two candidates do not meet this year's Health in the biographical notes on the need to highlight their advantages. In the past, many born in this year's curriculum vitae is often on how many copies of the certificate, took part in many social activities, but not employers. A network of job fairs, corporate personnel departments can receive a one-off thousands of copies of curriculum vitae, read the curriculum vitae of each of the time normally for a few minutes, however, instead of the "examiners" from the merits of a pile of options to consider as the start of the biggest advantages of its own People at a glance.

Arts stressed that "potential"

It is understood that the relative management, marketing, information technology, such as those applicable to the industry, the flexibility of the graduates, history, philosophy and arts professional career choice is much less. Recruitment network, the arts of conversation can not show superiority.

Although the arts and business community in many of the requirements of the post away from there, but the on-line delivery of the curriculum vitae would like to stress that the best self-confidence, learning and development potential, because not a lot of foreign demand for professional division.

Experts suggested that the recruitment network, students can visit the National Health Information, the arts might takes a long-term, the choice of potential second-line cities and regions, industries. After several years of accumulated experience and vocational training, and then choose to go to the big cities.

Continued concern about Corporate Culture

"51job" Miss Du said that in previous years, many foreign recruitment of new staff, there will be an overall plan from the beginning, the time span of up to 1 year, during the period, businesses will have a branch network or the release , Fresh from the can, to maintain a sustained concerned about the on-line. It also means that if the service did not weeks to find the right club, as long as companies pay attention to online news, will have a harvest.

Experts advise: Health this year's Internet browser business information, including not only their jobs demand a variety of conditions, the recruitment process, and so on, but more importantly good employer to see if the corporate culture is, if the corporate culture is not for you, it will Affect your future career.

2 ........ there is a successful job search tactics

Whether you are just out of college major, secondary school graduates, or have lost their workers to find a suitable job is to put the most urgent task in front of you. But how can a successful job search, there is also quite important.

【】 Expectations are too high not as a job-seekers are often looking for a job before, have made a career of the future vision, such as work environment, beautiful, generous treatment of income, individuals can enjoy to play. However, job seekers must give up looking for work when their over-estimated, which Mountains Hill looked high and unrealistic, and so on Yangaoshoudi, timely adjustment of mind, the goal should be set at a realistic level.

【To have a certain expertise if】 glance at the advertisement, they will find that many employers have in terms of employment "has a certain expertise". As a result, job-seekers in general, the level of expertise is not high, even professional counterparts, employers will not accept you. The former job-seekers must use our time "charge" as soon as possible to raise the level of expertise in order to be employers phase.

【Candidates do a good job in front of the preparatory work】 As the saying goes: "unprepared to fight the battle." Rational job-seekers receive information on recruitment should be carefully analyzed to study the conditions of their recruitment in line with the requirements, then it should consider the need to be able to take what To prove his ability to work effectively documents and interview preparation skills to prepare.

【Do an honest job】 some employers elegant working environment, the treatment is also good, but the candidates for the demanding conditions. Some job-seekers to take to buy fake diplomas, to conceal their age, the preparation of false materials, such as the way to cheat the trust of employers, the results are self-defeating. It is right that the candidates in, not diploma, tired by age, the employing units to fully display your talent and wisdom and professionalism. Because the diploma does not mean that the level of slightly in excess of age, if other conditions are met, employers would not be too mean.

】 【Attention to the trial period, after some initial job, re, go through five passes and slay six, has finally been recruited to inform the employer, and entered a trial period. Some job-seekers during the probationary period is the non-compliance with the rules and regulations, no civilized manners and does not seek to improve themselves, employers have been dismissed. As a result, job seekers must cherish the hard-won trial period, during which should set strict demands on themselves in order to fine professionalism and excellent performance of return employers, job seekers can be successful.

3 ......... how to ride over the trial period?

Going through layers of the interview, Miss Zhang was eventually enrolled in a foreign enterprise. To immediately go to work, too nervous to eat Miss Zhang is not a bad xiang sleep, I do not know how to face her new colleagues, I do not know whether the corporate culture to adapt quickly. She worried that she would not have a trial period.

This feeling will not only have a Miss Zhang, then how to resolve this tension as soon as possible into the new workplace? The author believes that his relatively short period of time to understand the new workplace is key, from the Several aspects:

● familiar with the internal organization of the new company when you first came to work, first of all, you have to understand the internal organization, which, if a department or departments which each department head who is responsible for the major work is. In addition to

Knowledge of employment asked 100

11, the state's ban on the use of child labor, which provided for?

A: According to the "Prohibition of the Use of Child Labor", state organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, the private non-enterprise units or individual industrial average can not recruit under 16 years of age by a minor (under 16 years old trick with minors, Collectively referred to the use of child labor). Prohibits any unit or individual is under 16 years of age for minors to introduce job.

12, "Labor Law" provisions of the basic rights of workers What?

A: equal employment and the right of choice of occupation; to obtain payment for labor rights; rest of the right to leave; access to health and safety protection of labor rights; vocational skills training for the right; enjoy social security and welfare rights; brought to the labor dispute to deal with the right The law, as well as other labor rights.

13, the national security of any provision of production?

A: The relevant national law, employers must establish and improve labor safety and hygiene systems, strict implementation of national work safety and hygiene rules and standards, on labor safety and health workers to carry out education, in the process of working to prevent accidents and reduce occupational hazards.

14, the state's construction safety management provisions of what?

A: The development of the country, "Construction Law" in place to protect the safety of workers has put forward specific requirements of the main elements are: (1) construction enterprises should establish and improve the labor education and training system for production safety, strengthen safety in production staff education Training; (2) without a production safety education and training of personnel, posts should not; (3) of construction companies and workers in the construction process, it should comply with the safe production of laws, regulations and safety regulations in the construction industry, a point of order, not to Irregularities or illegal operations command. Workers have the right to affect the physical health of the operating procedures and improved operating conditions, to have access to safe production of protective equipment. Workers on the life-threatening safety and health of the person entitled to act to criticize, to report and prosecute; (4) construction enterprises must be engaged in hazardous work accident insurance for employees, to pay insurance premiums; (5) in the event of an accident Construction , The construction enterprises should take urgent measures to reduce casualties and damage accidents, and in accordance with relevant state regulations in a timely manner to the government report.

15, the city state's farmers to engage in what is provided for self-employed?

A: There are countries "of urban and rural individual industrial and commercial households Provisional Regulations on Management" and "Provisional Regulations on the implementation details." Among the provisions, the viability of urban unemployed persons, rural villagers, as well as national policy to allow other staff, can apply for individual industrial and commercial activities, approved registration for individual industrial and commercial households. Individual industrial and commercial households in the national laws and policies to the extent permitted by operating industries, handicrafts, construction, transportation, commerce, catering, services, repairs and other industries. "Regulations" also provides for the management of individual industrial and commercial households and punishment.

16, the state of migrant farmers manage any provision of family planning?

A: developed countries, "family planning management of floating population." Migrant workers who left the seat of the household registration, should be based on legal marriage, identity documents, local people's governments at the county level family planning administration or township (town) people's government, the Office of the streets to prove. Prove that the contents should include: name, sex, age, marital status, identity card numbers, birth status, status of the implementation of birth control measures, family planning reward and punishment, and so on. Migrant workers to find work, should work to the residence of the township (town) people's governments at district offices or inspection proved that marriage and child rearing and family planning departments of local management.

17, the state of migrant farmers what their children to school policy?

A: (1) inflow of migrant workers in urban areas to the Government in charge of migrant workers in urban areas children receive compulsory education to primary and secondary schools run mainly full-time. (2) inflow to the Government to formulate administrative regulations, to co-ordinate doing a good job of migrant workers in urban areas children receive compulsory education work. (3) and give full play to run full-time primary and secondary schools to receive the main channel. In the Ambassador Award, Rutuan into the team, extra-curricular activities, schools should be children of migrant workers in urban areas and urban students the same. (4) the establishment of migrant workers in urban areas receive compulsory education of children in connection with the financing mechanism. (5) to take measures to ensure migrant workers in urban areas to reduce their children's education costs. Inflow to the Government to formulate employment migrant farmers for their children's education fees, to waive or reduce fees, fees with local students to do the same. (6) migrant workers into the employment of farmers and migrant workers do a good job in government employment farmers working children of compulsory education. Children of migrant workers employed farmers return to their home school, local education administration and supervision departments should guide the school in time for school, and other related procedures to prohibit any charge.

18, the state of migrant farmers in the contract and what provisions?

A: In accordance with the "Land Contract Law of the People's Republic": In the land contract period, the contractor has moved to set up small cities and towns should be in accordance with the wishes of the contractor, to retain their contracted land management rights or their right to land contractual management Circulation; contractor, the family moved into the city, to non-agricultural accounts, the contractor should be returned to grassland and arable land Fabao Fang. Failure to return the contractor, Fabao Fang able to recover the contractor of the farmland and grassland; returned to the contractor or contractors to recover the Fabao Fang contracted land, the contractor in its contract on the ground and put the land to increase production capacity, is entitled to Appropriate compensation.

For seasonal migrant workers of the farmers, it is necessary to implement the central authorities on the rural household land contract system's basic policies, Fabao Fang can not force the farmers to recover the employment of migrant workers and contractors. To support and encourage migrant workers to go out voluntarily, to transfer the right to use the contract.

Second, vocational training and looking for a job

19, what is vocational training? Where vocational training?

A: The vocational training can also be called specialized skills training. Migrant farmers, in the absence of specialized skills, looking for work will be greatly restricted. Therefore, farmers in the former migrant workers, the best according to their preferences, the labor market and strong demand, choose to participate in a particular types of vocational training, an Institute of Technology. With the skills to find a job would be easier

Knowledge of employment asked 100

First, the basic policies, laws and regulations

1, the state of migrant farmers approach is what?

A: The state's migrant farmers approach is: fair treatment, reasonable guidance and improve the management, good service.

2, the current state of farmers to promote employment in cities which focus on the problem?

A: (1) clean-up and removal of migrant employment in areas such as discriminatory restrictions and unreasonable provisions; (2) to carry out organized labor exports; (3) improve the farmers of the city's employment and job referral services; (4 ) On migrant workers to do a good job of consulting services; (5) strengthen the migrant job training.

3, the maintenance of national rights and interests of migrant farmers focus on what is the problem?

A: (1) to further address the issue of arrears of wages of migrant workers; (2) to monitor the enforcement of Labor and Social Security; (3) in a timely manner to deal with migrant workers labor dispute cases; (4) in support of trade unions to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers; (5) to do a good job Migrant workers industrial injury insurance work.

4, why should the development of the country, "2003-2010 National Planning and training of migrant workers"?

A: In order to implement the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the "Three Represents" and improve the quality of migrant workers and employment capacity, to further promote rural labor to non-agricultural industries and urban transfer, in accordance with the Party Central Committee and State Council meetings and documentation requirements , The relevant state ministries and the development of the "2003-2010 National Planning and training of migrant workers." Plan 2003-2005, prepared for non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns of 10,000,000 transfer of rural labor to carry out the transfer of the leading pre-employment training, of which 500 million people to carry out vocational skill training; for non-agricultural industries has entered the employment 50,000,000 Job training for migrant workers. 2006-2010, to prepare for non-agricultural industries and urban 50,000,000 transfer of rural labor force to carry out training guide, and the 30,000,000 people to carry out vocational skill training. At the same time, non-agricultural industries has entered the employment of migrant workers more than 200,000,000 to carry out job training.

5, which the State Department for migrant farmers to provide training?

A: The commitment to migrant farmers training departments: the agricultural sector, various types of training courses organized by the Central Agricultural Broadcasting and Television School; labor and social security departments organized by the types of technical schools and vocational skills training; the middle of their education sector Vocational schools, technical schools and cultural township adults. Unable to obtain employment and social department in charge of organizing the various types of vocational schools and vocational training.

6, the state's migrant farmers to pay what the item?

A: According to the documents, relevant departments are in the process of migrant workers employment and enterprise and employment procedures, in addition to the State Council in accordance with the relevant provisions of the collection fee for a certificate, not to other charges and fees. The maximum fee for a certificate fees are not more than 5 yuan. At present, migrant farmers have to apply for the documents and largely temporary residence permits marriage certificate.

7, the state vocational qualification policy is to post what?

A: The vocational qualification is the need to engage in a professional and possess the necessary basic conditions, including the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. Professional qualifications, including qualification and licensing. Is the qualification to engage in a professional (job) required knowledge, skills and capability of the standard starting point; Licensing is the responsibility of the Government for some large, high universality of social and professional interests of the public relations (job) to implement quasi - To control, in accordance with the law is independent of a particular business or professional (job) the necessary knowledge, skills and capability of the standard.

8, the state of special operations personnel have provided for what?

A: The special operations personnel are prone to refer to casualties, the operator himself, and others around the facilities there are significant safety hazard to operations. State documents: the special operations personnel have to accept this job-appropriate, specialized technical training of security, the security theory and practical skills assessment test qualified to obtain special permits to operate operations before operating certificates.

The state has 17 special operations: (1) electrical work; (2) metal welding and cutting operations; (3) overweight machinery (including elevators) operations; (4) enterprise drive motor vehicles; (5) to set up high Operations; (6) boiler (including water quality testing) operations; (7) operating pressure of publicity materials; (8) refrigeration operation; (9) blasting operations; (10) operating mine ventilation; (11) Daqingshan drainage operations; (12 ) Mine safety inspection operations; (13) mining operations to upgrade transport; (14) mining operations; (15) mine rescue operations; (16) of dangerous goods operations; (17) by the State Administration of Work Safety approved by the other operations.

9, the state of occupational disease prevention and control of what is legal? What are the basic requirements?

A: "People's Republic of China Occupational Disease Prevention Law" stipulates that: prone to occupational hazards, employers, set up in time should be in line with laws and administrative regulations to establish the conditions. In addition, the workplace should meet the following requirements of the Occupational Health:

(1) of the occupational hazards in the intensity or concentration in line with national occupational health standards; (2) there is protection against occupational diseases and adapt to the facilities; (3) production is reasonable, in line with the hazardous operation to separate the principle of sound; (4) Supporting Gengyi Jian, Xi Yujian, such as pregnant women to rest between health facilities; (5) equipment, tools, appliances, and other facilities to protect workers in line with the physical, mental health requirements; (6) laws and administrative regulations of the State Council and Health Administration on To protect the health of workers in other requirements.

10, the state of women's rights and the protection of any requirement?

A: "Labor Law" stipulates that: (1) the arrangement for female workers engaged in underground mining, the state's fourth-class physical strength of the labor and other prohibited to engage in labor; (2) shall not engage in menstruation of women workers in height, Low-temperature, cold water and operating the state's third-class physical strength of the labor force; (3) of the no-women workers during pregnancy engaged in the state's third-class physical strength of the labor force engaged in prohibited during pregnancy and labor. 7 months pregnant or more female workers, not to extend its working hours and night work; (4) female workers enjoy the birth of not less than 90 days of maternity leave; (5) shall not be arranged in the breast-feeding women workers under the age of

Oct 15, 2008

Professional planners analysis: on-line job six essential elements of success

There is no doubt that the majority of Internet recruitment has become the primary recruitment business; and the Internet also has become the most job seekers, especially white-collar sectors of the most important means of job-seekers. At the same time, we see that recruiting managers for the curriculum vitae of the mountain had to worry about - although received a lot of biographical notes, but for the little talent; job seekers to network with blind feedback to worry about the poor - can The opportunity to interview their own businesses on how not? ! In that case, how can we in the Internet age so that their job more efficient and faster more successful? Professional career planning advisory body to study a large number of clients seeking experienced success and failure, I believe we have found some of the success of the law is the job you will certainly be helpful.

■ network to help you apply the six essential elements of success

Online job has its uniqueness, its objective only if we respect the law in order to be successful. The online job search rules for the performance of the main aspects of the six. Or to be successful, our job should be included on the course of the six elements.

Elements of a targeted

Whether to submit written or electronic resume resume, curriculum vitae should be targeted delivery of the first elements.

Can be targeted to fully express your good faith and, more importantly, a good resume can be targeted exactly meet the needs of employers - you need to be full of such cases, do not like in which it is difficult. In particular, professional planners pointed out that in the targeted three areas: their own professional orientation and career choice for your real job; specific positions targeted version of the design curriculum vitae; accordance with the nature of the job-specific language use . One of the most important thing is your career accurate positioning, a lot of people can not fully express the "targeted" The fundamental reason is unclear vocational, or career planning is not working for him but for no more than a bowl of food ! In career counseling practice, we have helped thousands of customers successfully find a more suitable work, the key is to help customers find the precise location career.

Key elements of the Second

With the recruitment of intelligent technology in the application. Key setup appears to be more and more important. More and more enterprises, especially large companies, often with intelligent search engine to resume screening. It is clear from the business point of view this would greatly reduce the costs of recruitment, and for job seekers, no doubt, the lower the success rate of job-seekers.

Therefore, how to analyze the positions of the candidates may need some of the words is very important information. Some information is essential. If the English (Q Bar) or six CET6, the name of colleges and universities, industry sectors, specific knowledge / skills (such as: knowledge management, certified public accountants, Photoshop and so on and so forth). In addition to some of the necessary information and some information on employment preferences, such as the consumer goods industry may be like the Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble, manager of recruitment may be such a search, such as: "+ Coca-Cola sales manager," will resume the search keywords appear than The job, if your resume appears in the words of well-known corporate names can be searched.

Three elements of the faith

Good faith to the social problems caused by a lot of damage, but also resulted in the recruitment of businesses to cost a great deal of waste. Rather, corporate HR hated candidates in the process of false behavior. These are indicators that there are rigid, is not no, even the possibility of deception to deceive the machine, after the first round, but also pass the latter part of the review. This job will be to reduce its own credibility, not only into the company, but also wasted a lot of time, and these companies will be each other's needs in the future in the industry would like to find a good job of it is very difficult.

Four elements of the update

The hard refresh resume at least two benefits.

First, show that you are seeking, rather than give people the impression that you are looking for a long time could not find the work.

Second, when recruiters in the talent search, in line with the terms of curriculum vitae is usually set according to their time of the order, and they generally only see in front of 12. In fact, many job seekers do not know the set will be more job opportunities to resume. Therefore, every landing, all the best refresh resume, refresh, the front will be able to more easily find!

Five easy-to-read elements

Will not be responsible for the recruitment of people find the time to stay in your resume, more importantly, the interviewer can not let you read your resume after trouble, so let your resume easy to read is very important, not Easily be deleted! In particular, job-seekers from the three areas to be addressed.

I, on-line job-seekers, in particular e-mail curriculum vitae, usually you will be asked to text format, many companies do not like to receive the annex to the document. Under these circumstances it is difficult to control the format, just do not pay attention to, your text will appear as the pile together, feeling very often difficult to talk about what readability. The recruitment website page format to issue a final format is not easy to control individuals.

Second, let your resume in the length of 1-2 pages to an end, the emphasis to the recruitment officer, so that they may have to inform you the urge to interview enough.

Third, your e-mail at the top forever. You must know that every day job recruiters look at the mailbox, they are tired of the daily curriculum vitae were Baishi mail, they can really read very carefully, I am afraid it is only the first of several! Now you know why you should resume the job will never responded to it!

So e-mail to the specified mailbox business, how to make your e-mail forever in the front row, so that the recruitment of staff to open the mailbox every time you see first of all e-mail? In fact, as long as the mail before the time the computer system into a future time on the trip.

Six elements of the cover letter

Set personal letter of employment, self-promotion and the next step in a proposal, which summed up a resume and job-focused background material and related to the prospective employer. A good cover letter can be reflected in your clear thinking and good communication skills, that is to say, it reflects your communication skills and your character.

If you want to recruit candidates so that the unit further information you feel "fresh" image, if you want future employers to know that you are the reason for the job, you can add information on candidates in a "cover letter."

■ your job search network for it?

The timeliness of the Internet, interactive network of job requirements in a timely manner to the Internet to see individual job status. If you are not online is convenient, on-line job you may lose some opportunities. Of course, online job search companies have in the premise of online recruitment. So if you are not the candidate of the business to online recruitment as the main means of recruitment, then no matter how you look on the Internet, it will only be a waste of time.

When a better job?

At present, entrepreneurs from the demand for seasonal changes have been relatively small. However, the annual Spring Festival is usually 2 months after the March 9, 10 and the recruitment needs of enterprises will be more vigorous in. Experts believe that career planning for job seekers, career goals if it is more clear, then the off-season and the season will actually be too much. For most of the objectives of job seekers is not very clear, in the recruitment needs of enterprises are concentrated in the so-called job-season will definitely add a lot of job interviews. However, the relative may be greater than the drawbacks. If the season will be more competitors, you may be faced with even hundreds of thousands of people competing for the post of a situation; and a large number of candidates in the mail, you want to be found, I am afraid there is not so easy.

For a business, the flow of talent is the norm. In other words, companies will have vacancies at any time. As long as there are vacancies in the enterprise, that is, career opportunities for job seekers. The key lies in job-seekers is not clear what kind of business what kind of job is really suitable for them.

■ job of network behavior taboo

Online job-seekers, in addition to know what to do, the more need to know what things should be done. There are two acts is the most taboo.

Blindly vote in chaos

Shen network for the purposes of job-seekers from the perspective of the operation is too easy. In many sites, as long as a key point on the Internet can be ready-made curriculum vitae sent all of a sudden, the feeling would be "cool." Therefore, many job seekers would be inappropriate regardless of the right, voted in again. Expect to run into a blind cat dead rat. As a result, not only a waste of their time and others have had a great trouble.

Repeat delivery

You may be careless, or it may be afraid of the other party to collect the money and may be out of any other considerations, all of a sudden a short period of time made a few biographical notes out. HR, but every day the face of mountains of mail, look at all of a sudden you have a resume made several times, even if it is not angry, I am afraid you have to Anma a few. For HR, this is tantamount to hooliganism.

Job Network - along with the rapid development of the Internet, will become more and more intelligent. Can make full use of the Internet job search success depends on you and know how to make good use of the various lines. I hope professional career planning expert analysis on the job you have some help.