Oct 17, 2008

Top six post-graduate professional career prospects observation of Finance

The direction of the employment list

Whether graduate or master's degree graduates, finance graduates on the whole, the employment forecast the direction of economic analysis, foreign trade, marketing, management and so on, if we can get some of the qualification, employment will face broader and higher levels of employment Duan, also better treatment, such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM), fund managers, actuaries, securities brokers, stock analysts and so on.

(1) analysis of the economic forecasting and management consultants

Economic analysts predict a very wide range of industries, but generally only in the various sectors of the transnational corporations, large and medium-sized enterprises and the government's economic policy-making departments, public research institutions will be set up. Responsible for a variety of market data collection and analysis. The importance of more and more jobs. And management consulting staff is the main flow of a number of consulting firms, such as IT consulting, strategic consulting, marketing consulting, auditing, market counseling.

(2) staff of foreign trade

"World factory" products, sales to foreign customers; for domestic customers looking for foreign sources; organization of international trade of goods such as logistics. A significant proportion of foreign trade in the experience of mature, set up their own foreign trade companies.

(3) management positions

Undergraduate and graduate students are not the same, most of them during a master's degree in the study are involved in a number of social practice, with some work experience, it's formal entry into the community, also gained a number of management positions, such as production management, administration, personnel management And financial management.

(4) fund managers

Among them, as more funds and fund management companies have, the community will need a large number of fund managers, fund managers are among the line of high-level personnel, their duties can be divided into: a charge of fund-raising; Responsible for the operation and management of the Fund; in charge of private and public funds after the monitoring. At present, in this area are very scarce, their career prospects. The fund industry professional managers again demand the largest fund managers. To become a qualified fund managers is not easy to have a master's degree in general education, there is risk control expertise background, but also has strong multi-disciplinary, multi-industry analysis to determine the ability, a keen sense of smell of the market and enrich the practice of Experience is necessary.

(5) of the Securities broker

The quality requirements of the Securities brokers focused on two aspects: First, a solid knowledge of the Finance Fund; Second, based on the market come after the long-term observation of investment experience; securities investment is due to the high-risk, high-yield investments, as Securities brokers must pass to the regime change in the trend of the market price, to grasp the law, combined with the impact of the price of securities analysis of a variety of factors, and have gradually accumulated considerable experience in investment and skilled ability to operate the business.

In recent years, the number of shareholders in a straight line up. The huge investment for the securities dealers group had been the rise of a huge market. China's securities brokers have a securities salesman, a commission agent, intermediary brokers, exchanges of sub-broker intermediaries.

(6) stock analyst

Stock analyst for the main stock market investors with stock market investment advisory services, and the organization of seminars, lectures, analysis, and so on, some stock analysts Stock published in the press articles, as well as through radio and television media, such as public investment in the stock market to provide services . In our country to engage in stock analysis, to have college education or above, as well as engaging in securities business for more than two years experience in assessing needs, "the basis of portfolio investment theory," and "Securities Investment Analysis of the" two courses. Pass the exam to be eligible officers to the location of the securities management or to apply directly to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, approval, in order to obtain qualification certificates. To obtain a certificate of qualification through their securities investment advisory body to the securities management departments, so as to obtain licensing and finally by the Securities Association issued a practicing certificate.

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