Oct 18, 2008

Seven, how to prepare the material itself?

Zi Jianxin materials, including ourselves, are the biographical notes, transcripts, skills certificate, certificate of honor, proof of graduation, and other necessary materials and the production of the unified school graduate employment recommended list.

1, Zi Jianxin

Zi Jianxin is a graduate of self letter of introduction, the cover letter that is designed to get employers to understand, value and interest, eventually hiring employers. Employers in the recruitment process, both to the school to meet with students, or to allow students to put themselves forward to the mailing materials unit. First of all graduates often read the material itself, and which to compare screening, and then inform the choice of candidates for interview. Zi Jianxin written, the material is ready to put themselves forward for the opportunity to obtain an interview with an important role.

1) Zi Jianxin format

Zi Jianxin the general format is called, the body, at the end, such as the inscribed parts. Employers should be stated at the beginning of the personnel department leadership, "the distinguished leadership of the President, manager, or director of the Director."

The body is the core of Zi Jianxin, I should indicate that the basic conditions of employment and intention.

At the end of the body in general, according to a letter format to write "I wish success!" "Congratulations to the prosperity of the company," I wish the phrase "Sincerely, salute," and expressed the hope that there is a chance to interview, "I hope that thanks to the complex" Or "look forward to hearing from you."

Department signed on to write "who put themselves forward ×××"。 Finally, accompanied by their own schools, professional, class, name, mailing address, zip code, telephone, E-mail address and time.

2, Zi Jianxin:

◆ simple self-introduction

◆ learned professional characteristics and the application of the departments or positions

◆ in school during the study and professional courses

◆ ability to adapt to the post, computer class, language and other skills, such as grading

◆ strengths and advantages

◆ job of intent (with related materials, such as various types of certificates, and so on.)

3, Zi Jianxin Notes

Zi Jianxin should be a good basic conditions of their employment and a clear expression of intent, and to be able to read the letter left a good impression.

● opening new and clever presentation

● sincere and appropriate wording, but does not show off elegant, self-confident but not arrogant

● focus on the reality, targeted and seeking truth from facts, Qingzhenyiqie

● concise, clear and well-organized, neat handwriting

● avoid fraud, deception Employers

4, Annex

Annex include a variety of skills level certificate, a copy of an honorary certificate and so on.

5, materials list

If the content of the material Zi Jianxin more, plus the best in the home directory. Back catalog material should be the order of discharge, in order to give a clear, transparent feel.

6, cover, back cover

Ourselves the best materials coupled with the cover, back cover. Cover, back cover designed to be binding, with elegant aesthetics, the pursuit of beautiful solemn. In addition to the above requirements cover, they also have to write the next one-fifth of the Department schools, professional, the name. In the back under one-fifth of the Department to write on school address, contact information, and so on.

7, photo

A recent, hat 2-inch color photos

8, a copy of

Delivery of materials to use a copy of itself to retain the original. So that some requests for employment and the agreement itself and the original material. Therefore, in order to retain the original so good with the employers to sign the "employment agreement" to use.

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