Oct 19, 2008

Shandong Province on the employment of graduates from the grass-roots-oriented policies are those?

General Office of Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the General Office of the provincial government issued "on the guide and encourage college graduates to implement employment-oriented grass-roots", issued a series of guide and encourage college graduates grass-roots-oriented employment policy measures:

    (1) of graduates to 30 in Shandong Province Economic Daxian job back. Graduates account can remain in the country of origin or moved, according to their will to work to move; from 2006, on a voluntary basis after graduation 30 economy in our province to back Daxian hard work of the industry's college graduates, the service life of 5 years in school during the national student loan principal and interest, on behalf of the Financial reimbursement; to 30 in Shandong Province Economic Daxian job back Of college graduates, the implementation of direct wage to positive rating and raise the wage level 2. State organs, institutions recorded in the official (recruits) to use the college graduates, according to his work at the grassroots level during the basic old-age insurance premium paid by the number of years, together for the length of service. The following work units in the township of graduates in the promotion of titles, the same conditions, priority assessment.

     (2) graduates of their own businesses and flexible employment policies. Industry and commerce, labor and social security, and science and technology sector to provide them with targeted projects, advisory services and other information. The establishment of business-to guide, micro-credit, tax relief, the follow-up services business into one of the training service system: college graduates choosing to engage in self-employed during the (national restrictions on the industry, with the exception of career), since the industrial and commercial administration departments to register From the date of registration, 3 years category exempt from registration, certification and management of the various categories of administrative charges: 3 years enjoy the exemption of business tax, urban construction tax to maintain,教育费附加, local education and personal income tax surcharge; College Graduates to apply for small business loans, in the light of unemployed small way to guarantee loans for. Financial arrangements for the start to take part in all aspects of society to raise part of the way, to establish a "college graduates venture capital" to support college graduates venture projects secured or discount: flexibility in the employment of graduates during participated in the basic old-age insurance in the future Or the examination to recruit all levels of party and government organs, institutions work to pay the basic old-age insurance of life can be together for the length of service.

     (3) of graduates to various types of small and medium enterprises and the non-public employment units. Graduates account may fall flat, or fall on the local government-owned service personnel set up households on the collective; in the assessment of professional titles, Employees of state-owned enterprises and non-discriminatory. Engaged in scientific and technological work in support of its procedures required to apply for various types of science and technology projects of the province; participated in the basic old-age insurance in the future or the examination to recruit state organs and institutions work, to pay the basic old-age insurance can be life Together for the length of service.

(4) actively guide and encourage college graduates to work in grassroots units below the county level. "One Village (home), a college project." From 2006 onwards, each year the organization to recruit college graduates to the rural part of the community and work for 5 years to achieve the province each village, each at least a community college graduates. Graduates to work in urban communities, which pay no less than 800 yuan: to work in rural areas can be arranged through the legal procedures as the village party branches and village corresponding duties, municipal and county levels of government to give not less than 600 yuan of living subsidies from their personnel files at the county level personnel departments. Graduates in the village, community neighborhood committee has worked for at least 2 years, 3 years in our province took the civil service, written in the total increase in 4 minutes. Candidates and institutions of our province, through an appropriate increase in the score, as well as other preferential policies, with priority given to applicants of provincial post-graduate institutions, in the initial increase in the total score 10 points, giving priority to the one under the same conditions; chosen to increase this year's outstanding graduate of University Health to train grass-roots efforts, chosen at the grass-roots Health has worked for at least 2 years after study has shown the better, in a timely manner to the selection into the grass-roots party and government leading bodies. In the future, party and government organs at or above the county to add the civil service, priority should be chosen from a selection of students; from 2006 onwards, Zhejiang Province, the city of New Study levels recorded in the civil service, with more than 2 years of grass-roots work experience of college graduates (including candidates Professional specialty positions), the ratio must not be less than one-third increase over the years since: county and township authorities to recruit civil servants, we should focus on selecting from the rural community and the work of more than 2-year colleges and universities to recruit graduates, the ratio must not be less than 50%.

     (5) vigorously implement the grass-roots service program for college graduates. In accordance with the open recruitment, voluntary registration, selection of the organization, to send a unified way, from 2006 onwards for 5 years, the annual selection of 2,000 college graduates, mainly to the township to engage in cultural, educational, Agriculture, poverty relief and medical teams: college graduates to the grass-roots volunteer services for a period of 2 years. During the service, to give 1,000 yuan per person per month living allowance and transport subsidies, and for personal accident insurance for hospitalization and medical insurance. 30 arrears to the economic Daxian services at a cost of the provinces, cities and counties (cities, districts) according to the financial burden on the ratio of 5:3:2. After the expiry of the service, the jobs market; volunteer service in the western province of rural services and participate in the program for college graduates, the expiry of the service by a qualified appraisal, employment is no longer implemented after the probationary period, their participation in volunteer time can be combined For the calculation of length of service; title promotion, assessment of priority under the same conditions; 3 years in our province took the civil service, written in the total increase in 4 minutes: applying our province's institutions, through an appropriate increase in the score, as well as other preferential policies, with priority given to ; Session of the provincial institutions to apply for graduate students in the initial increase in the total score 10 points, giving priority to the one under the same conditions.

     [6) for the implementation of grass-roots oriented employment system for students. Provincial colleges and universities to encourage grass-roots level in accordance with our province especially in rural areas of the practical needs of human resources, the implementation of targeted recruitment, grass-roots level need to speed up the training of practical talents. According to the provincial colleges and universities can be grass-roots demand situation, the grass-roots level with employers and candidates to cultivate and signing of the directional orientation employment agreement. According to the provincial education administrative departments in charge of the school signed an agreement to schedule orientation program and students do a good job in implementation. Admissions can be directed to take a separate line, due to lower Score: soliciting students to complete their studies after obtaining employment by the provincial authorities in accordance with an agreement to send to employers.

     (7) do a solid job in college graduates for employment-based outreach security services. Active employment guidance and

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