Oct 18, 2008

Q & A knowledge of employment

11. Interviews basic courtesy

(1) on time is a basic courtesy. To carry out interviews, once the traffic jam on the road, it is estimated to be late, they should immediately call the company about the future or do you interview people and tell the other side, where you plug in, the number of minutes may be late, and apologize.

(2) If there is no recruitment unit set up switchboard staff, the recruitment of job-seekers to reach the unit, directly to the reception staff to do a brief self-introduction, and then directly to the interview room, look around everywhere, bear in mind.

(3) if a number of small businesses did not wait for the room, in an interview outside the office waiting. When the office opened the door to be polite to say: "Excuse me!" And then to show that they are indoor interviewer to the interview, never ventured into.

(4) to reach the venue before the interview, both in the corridors or elevators, if they interview the company's staff should designate Limaodiwen and pay attention to his demeanor, remember to ask questions.

(5) if they enter the knock on the door, knocking the two is more standard. Is not to knock on the door too hard. Door after door will not readily be turned into the door is, hands softly closed the door.

(6) to wait for the interviewer to indicate when you sit down, do not arbitrarily decide where to sit.

(7) should be avoided and Tao Jiaoqing interviewer. In the interview, the interviewer should be avoided and Taojiao Qing, or easy to have a mature enough adverse impression.

12. Understanding of how the trial period

In general, the probationary period for the formal wage employment is lower than the wages that some company on the basis of a formal wage employment 70% of the grant. In addition, during the probation period, generally do not have the right to paid holidays and other benefits, and so on. As a result, during the probation period recruits due diligence should not only work at an early date for the trial period and bounds, at the same time, but also to take care of themselves, do not delay the work due to illness.

Probationary period and the probationary period is a completely different concept, some employers will try to replace the probationary period, disguised extension of the probationary period in order. Probationary period applicable to the specialized college graduates, is just graduated from college graduates in the preparation of cadres into the country prior to the development of the evaluation period. Probationary period is for employers and graduates in the labor contract signed an agreement when the evaluation period, with the Labor Code arising from the implementation.

During the probation period, employers should be in accordance with the law for workers to pay social insurance premiums.

Probationary period for wages below the local minimum wage can not.

Will be on probation from a separate labor contract, entered into a separate "trial period of the contract" is against the law.

Graduates in the labor contract during the probation period, do not assume responsibility for breach of contract.

The renewal of the labor contract, agreed to repeat the trial period is illegal.

13. Probationary period should pay attention to

(1) well-dressed;

(2) Do not be late or early;

(3) as soon as possible to understand the company culture;

(4) when a happy orderly, things do not suffer;

(5) respect for my colleagues, seek with an open mind, do not be afraid to say "I do not know";

(6) entrusted to do a good job of everything. For the beginning of the white-collar workers, bosses or colleagues for the tasks of everything, regardless of size, should make every effort to overcome all difficulties to in the shortest possible time to complete the perfect;

(7) Do not involved in the vortex of right and wrong;

(8) Do not be a failure contusion. The beginning of the new jobs will inevitably lead to errors, the next time to avoid, at the same time continue to encourage its own: no matter how great the people will make mistakes, which is normal, I will do better next time. In order to increase self-esteem and improve the work of passion.

14. To sign the employment agreement

(1) graduates to their agreement "that" fill in good agreement by the graduates to fill in the basic content (in triplicate at the same time to fill in);

(2) graduates and employers reached an agreement of employment, graduates in the agreement signed or sealed, employers in the signing of the agreement and affix its official seal;

(3) Employers reported that the higher authorities for approval, signed, official seal;

(4) employers and graduates in the signing of the agreement from the date of the agreement will be ten working days to send students to school career center;

(5) Student Career Center after the forensic examination of official seals, the agreement will be fed back to employers and the graduates themselves, at the same time included in the proposed employment program.

15. What are the employment agreement for the agreement null and void

Employment agreements are null and void because of a lack of effective elements of the employment agreement or employment agreement entered into in violation of the principle of no force of law so as to the agreement. Since the agreement null and void from the date made null and void.

Employment in the work that every one of the following circumstances, the agreements are null and void:

(1) non-graduates, I leavers entered into the agreement;

(2) employers have not employed or not employed the power scheme;

(3) do not meet the national employment policy, employment or the scope of the employment agreement;

(4) to take the fraud, concealment, false means, such as the signing of the agreement;

(5) without the employer and its authorities to sign and affix the official seal agreement;

(6), or other violations of laws and regulations and provisions of the employment policies of the agreement.

16. Signing what they should pay attention to the problem

(1) signing is a very serious matter, but also a legal act, therefore, before the signing of the understanding of the importance of negotiations. Graduates should learn more about employers, in general, including the size, efficiency, management systems and so on; attached to the unit is also important; understanding of the employment status and place of work, such as treatment. State organs and institutions, the state-owned enterprises generally have the right to receive personnel; private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises are to go through the Shanghai Personnel Bureau or talent exchange centers of the examination and approval in order to recruit workers, the agreement should be signed by them to be effective. Graduates also deal with different parts of the personnel department in charge of the special provisions have to understand, with the exception of agreement, such as the Beijing non-local students should also be in Beijing after the city of College Personnel Department for approval, Shanghai, Guangdong and Fujian Provinces, and so on have Similar.

(2) the general to report back after the employers of graduates and employers to sign labor contracts, so the contract before signing the contract to understand the content of the book is essential, particularly important contract jobs, and length of treatment. Graduates to recruit staff or request a sample copy, so as not to report back after the dispute, suffered a great loss.

(3) in order to avoid employing units to report back after the dispute, signing

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