Oct 19, 2008

Force graduates to encourage those who have employment policies? What conditions should be?

Force graduates to be eligible for employment the following policies:

  (]) Graduates to join the army, the commentary award for the first time in the military ranks, any assessment for professional and technical positions, as well as determine the level of expertise in areas such as housing allocation, with the same period of the study into the military academy graduates enjoy the same treatment. Apprenticeship, which will be college graduates as a platoon level, the title of second lieutenant; graduates from the apprenticeship, which will be designated as vice-even level, the rank of lieutenant; master's study as being even level, the rank of captain; doctoral students are available as a business , The rank of Major. If there are pre-school experience will be considered separately.

  (2) General probationary period of one year. All the countries designated in remote regions hard troops serving graduates, no probationary period, since the report date to determine which functions conferred the rank level; to implement the rotation system has worked for at least a certain number of years, can be adjusted to give priority to the Mainland or Resident better work force. Graduate school of a spouse or love object is a college graduate, joined the army in line to receive the scope of and conditions, as required to receive military service.

According to the former State Education Commission, the People's Liberation Army General Political Department in 1997 a joint notice, graduates of higher learning (does not include Wei Pei, the orientation of Health) to join the army, should have the following conditions:

(1) support the Party's basic line, to the motherland, love the military, volunteers dedicate themselves to national defense cause, in line with the political conditions for citizens on active duty.

(2) well above the average academic performance.

(3), graduates of no more than 25 years of age; graduate school age, as the case may be.

(4) health and the People's Liberation Army in the light of the specific conditions of the institutions to recruit students of the Huai implementation of the standard physical examination. To the grass-roots army command post graduates should have a good temperament and strong physique. Professional and technical posts to the graduates of vision and height, without affecting the work under the premise may be appropriate to relax.

7, the military college graduates to receive the "recruitment" What's the difference?

The main difference is as follows: belonging to the military conscription for military service, obligatory. Despite the recent years in order to enhance the cultural quality of the recruits collected, agencies at all levels of military service in the rising percentage of high school students collected at the same time, but also pay attention to absorb some higher education professionals to military service, but the essence is to force the army. The graduates of local colleges and universities, colleges and universities refer to receive this year's university graduates or postgraduates, to directly serve as officers or civilian positions.

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