Oct 18, 2008

Q & A knowledge of employment

11. Interviews basic courtesy

(1) on time is a basic courtesy. To carry out interviews, once the traffic jam on the road, it is estimated to be late, they should immediately call the company about the future or do you interview people and tell the other side, where you plug in, the number of minutes may be late, and apologize.

(2) If there is no recruitment unit set up switchboard staff, the recruitment of job-seekers to reach the unit, directly to the reception staff to do a brief self-introduction, and then directly to the interview room, look around everywhere, bear in mind.

(3) if a number of small businesses did not wait for the room, in an interview outside the office waiting. When the office opened the door to be polite to say: "Excuse me!" And then to show that they are indoor interviewer to the interview, never ventured into.

(4) to reach the venue before the interview, both in the corridors or elevators, if they interview the company's staff should designate Limaodiwen and pay attention to his demeanor, remember to ask questions.

(5) if they enter the knock on the door, knocking the two is more standard. Is not to knock on the door too hard. Door after door will not readily be turned into the door is, hands softly closed the door.

(6) to wait for the interviewer to indicate when you sit down, do not arbitrarily decide where to sit.

(7) should be avoided and Tao Jiaoqing interviewer. In the interview, the interviewer should be avoided and Taojiao Qing, or easy to have a mature enough adverse impression.

12. Understanding of how the trial period

In general, the probationary period for the formal wage employment is lower than the wages that some company on the basis of a formal wage employment 70% of the grant. In addition, during the probation period, generally do not have the right to paid holidays and other benefits, and so on. As a result, during the probation period recruits due diligence should not only work at an early date for the trial period and bounds, at the same time, but also to take care of themselves, do not delay the work due to illness.

Probationary period and the probationary period is a completely different concept, some employers will try to replace the probationary period, disguised extension of the probationary period in order. Probationary period applicable to the specialized college graduates, is just graduated from college graduates in the preparation of cadres into the country prior to the development of the evaluation period. Probationary period is for employers and graduates in the labor contract signed an agreement when the evaluation period, with the Labor Code arising from the implementation.

During the probation period, employers should be in accordance with the law for workers to pay social insurance premiums.

Probationary period for wages below the local minimum wage can not.

Will be on probation from a separate labor contract, entered into a separate "trial period of the contract" is against the law.

Graduates in the labor contract during the probation period, do not assume responsibility for breach of contract.

The renewal of the labor contract, agreed to repeat the trial period is illegal.

13. Probationary period should pay attention to

(1) well-dressed;

(2) Do not be late or early;

(3) as soon as possible to understand the company culture;

(4) when a happy orderly, things do not suffer;

(5) respect for my colleagues, seek with an open mind, do not be afraid to say "I do not know";

(6) entrusted to do a good job of everything. For the beginning of the white-collar workers, bosses or colleagues for the tasks of everything, regardless of size, should make every effort to overcome all difficulties to in the shortest possible time to complete the perfect;

(7) Do not involved in the vortex of right and wrong;

(8) Do not be a failure contusion. The beginning of the new jobs will inevitably lead to errors, the next time to avoid, at the same time continue to encourage its own: no matter how great the people will make mistakes, which is normal, I will do better next time. In order to increase self-esteem and improve the work of passion.

14. To sign the employment agreement

(1) graduates to their agreement "that" fill in good agreement by the graduates to fill in the basic content (in triplicate at the same time to fill in);

(2) graduates and employers reached an agreement of employment, graduates in the agreement signed or sealed, employers in the signing of the agreement and affix its official seal;

(3) Employers reported that the higher authorities for approval, signed, official seal;

(4) employers and graduates in the signing of the agreement from the date of the agreement will be ten working days to send students to school career center;

(5) Student Career Center after the forensic examination of official seals, the agreement will be fed back to employers and the graduates themselves, at the same time included in the proposed employment program.

15. What are the employment agreement for the agreement null and void

Employment agreements are null and void because of a lack of effective elements of the employment agreement or employment agreement entered into in violation of the principle of no force of law so as to the agreement. Since the agreement null and void from the date made null and void.

Employment in the work that every one of the following circumstances, the agreements are null and void:

(1) non-graduates, I leavers entered into the agreement;

(2) employers have not employed or not employed the power scheme;

(3) do not meet the national employment policy, employment or the scope of the employment agreement;

(4) to take the fraud, concealment, false means, such as the signing of the agreement;

(5) without the employer and its authorities to sign and affix the official seal agreement;

(6), or other violations of laws and regulations and provisions of the employment policies of the agreement.

16. Signing what they should pay attention to the problem

(1) signing is a very serious matter, but also a legal act, therefore, before the signing of the understanding of the importance of negotiations. Graduates should learn more about employers, in general, including the size, efficiency, management systems and so on; attached to the unit is also important; understanding of the employment status and place of work, such as treatment. State organs and institutions, the state-owned enterprises generally have the right to receive personnel; private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises are to go through the Shanghai Personnel Bureau or talent exchange centers of the examination and approval in order to recruit workers, the agreement should be signed by them to be effective. Graduates also deal with different parts of the personnel department in charge of the special provisions have to understand, with the exception of agreement, such as the Beijing non-local students should also be in Beijing after the city of College Personnel Department for approval, Shanghai, Guangdong and Fujian Provinces, and so on have Similar.

(2) the general to report back after the employers of graduates and employers to sign labor contracts, so the contract before signing the contract to understand the content of the book is essential, particularly important contract jobs, and length of treatment. Graduates to recruit staff or request a sample copy, so as not to report back after the dispute, suffered a great loss.

(3) in order to avoid employing units to report back after the dispute, signing

Q & A knowledge of employment of university students

1. What is meant by "merit recommendation of a two-way choice"

Recommended is the best school, according to Department of employers to provide the information, first priority would be to overall quality, outstanding performance compared with the employer or the special conditions of employment of graduates to study employers. Two-way choice is the employer according to their own needs and standards of personnel selection, job hiring, job seekers based on their own terms, the voluntary choice and value to employers, to determine whether or interview candidates, the two sides of supply and demand through face-to-face talks with each other option, After the intention to form a unified employment reached an agreement.

2. What is the employment agreement

Employment agreement refers to job-seekers and employers choosing among established for the hiring or employment relationship and the agreement reached. College graduates obtaining employment agreement with the employers of graduates in employment, in order to determine the hiring or employment relationship, according to consensus reached by both sides clearly the rights and obligations of a written agreement. It is a form of contract.

University graduates to use the provincial education department produced a unified, "the employment of college graduates agreement" signed an agreement with the employers. Each graduate can only have an agreement. If the agreement destroyed, lost or effective lifting of the original agreement, graduates can I re-apply for a renewal of the agreement, the destruction of their original agreement to be renewed; In addition to the termination of their original agreement, some units scheduled by the Termination of the written comments in order to replace the existing agreement; of termination and re-submit the missing.

3. How to fill out the "Recommended graduate employment"

(1) According to the list of recommended "that" truthfully fill out the project;

(2) school system (house), fill out the full name of the profession;

(3) to be posted half an inch hat photo, official seal and stamp department;

(4) and fill in the name of the account, name cards must be consistent, should not vary, or give hiring, job preparation and approval of the program, reporting procedures for bringing unnecessary troubles;

(5) other basic information necessary to accurately fill out;

(6) is home address changes from time to time with the school, must produce a "migration card accounts" or "account book" Original, the review of the faculty, students work in the Department of recognition by now fill in the address, home address and students to different persons, Home address in the column marked;

(7), the situation rewards and punishments to fill in school, grade level and above levels of reward, punishment cases;

(8) self-identification should be objective and concise;

(9) academic fields can be attached to the Senate if there is a department official seal of academic achievement alone may not be altered.

(10) recommended to fill in form after a specified time to pay school and college review of the sealed, so that before the winter break back to the graduates.

4. Truthfully fill in the recommended list is not what will happen

School and college graduates will strictly review the recommendation forms to fill in and found not filled out truthfully, back and re-filled criticism and education, the circumstances are serious disciplinary measures should be taken. If the contract or the report, the employers of graduates found that as a result of fraud and the lifting of the withdrawal or revocation of the employment agreement, and its graduates by the individual responsible for the consequences.

5. What is supply and demand will be met

Supply and demand will be met, also known as the exchange of talent will, it is through employers and job seekers are choosing the two sides face-to-face negotiation, the two-way selection, employment intentions in order to reach an agreement or a job, the job market is a model. Training and the establishment of school-based, government-led graduate employment market, employment of college graduates is a general reform of the system of one of the important goals. Since 1996, the Office of Higher Education in Shaanxi Province, and other authorities organized every year by the provincial Union, according to the categories of professional or sub-contractor's point of the province's college graduates will be employed to meet supply and demand. In addition to the reunification of the province of organized activities to meet the supply and demand, the colleges and universities also held a variety of circumstances in accordance with our small and medium-sized to meet the demand and supply activities for the graduates choose careers and employers to provide opportunities and create a fair, just and open environment. According to various cities and counties in the region will be the actual situation of supply and demand to meet the activities of the organization. Graduates should be based on individual circumstances, to selectively participate in the supply and demand will be met.

6. To participate in large-scale recruitment, which will keep an eye on a few points

(1) to pre-clear their own conditions, have a right to their position;

(2) when participants had better not put on too much of the original certificate;

(3) to make full use of the journal recruitment;

(4), a selective curriculum vitae delivery;

(5) for a good first impression;

(6) full of self-confidence and the courage to express their own conditions and aspirations;

(7) after two to three days in a timely manner with interested employers to contact and can not wait passively.

7. Understanding of the way information

(1) the use of schools and social institutions of employment;

(2) to the employees and former employees of understanding, consultation;

(3) Internet inquiries;

(4) to see the unit's promotional materials and related media coverage of the unit.

8. Before the interview, the company should know in advance what information

(1) the company's corporate culture, history and background;

(2) The company's products and services;

(3) the company's major competitors and industry characteristics;

(4) the company's organizational structure and design departments;

(5) its training aimed at increasing the opportunities;

(6) The company paid more or less the situation;

(7), the company's recruitment of key posts and related requirements.

9. During a job interview how to overcome the psychological tension

(1) 15 minutes early;

(2) Take a deep breath;

(3) to imagine themselves playing a very good thing, to boost the morale of their own;

(4) Do not force a smile, as the time could not even nervous;

(5) prepared.

10. During a job interview, dress should pay attention to what issues

Boys: black, white, gray tricolor most insurance, not to Chuan Siwa, the White Sox, the suit within a certain wear long-sleeved shirt, do not have a chip scalp school, you can go look at themselves in the bathroom mirror insurance compared with the shoeshine cloth Clean shoes.

Girls: dress no more than three colors; do not wear tight, exposed clothes; do not wear earrings too; do not wear bracelets.

Malaysia knowledge of employment Q & A

1, after completing their studies in Malaysia, the possibility of employment in Malaysia?

With a student visa can not be employed in Malaysia. Only people who hold employment visas can only be employed in Malaysia. As a result, employment in Malaysia would like to, first of all there is to be Malaysia's employment, and has been working visa, can be employed in Malaysia.

In recent years, some students in Malaysia to engage in their own individual businesses, such a development is also an opportunity, for example, have engaged in the catering industry, Malaysia and China have engaged in trade and so on. However, some engaged in improper professional, such as the sale of fake diplomas and documents, and selling cars. We hope that our students will never engage in such business.

Pat, how to prepare them for job interviews?

The success of the interview, depending on your well-prepared before the interview, communication skills, critical and thinking, communication ability and sense of responsibility and emotional control, adaptability, self-confidence and the spirit of cooperation, and so is the focus of study. In the pre-candidates need to thoroughly understand you are going to the candidates or companies, the candidate of your job, in-depth analysis of your personal strengths, and set out for their own candidates on the merits of the unit, weaknesses, you understand why the candidates or the company? Can you as a unit or company to do? Understanding of the interview examiners will study what? Understanding of the recruiters who ask the question? How will you answer?

By-laws: Frequently Asked Questions

☆ to talk about your own situation and family

☆ What is your expertise and love?

☆ to talk about your main strengths and weaknesses

☆ you satisfied with your performance you? Why?

Why do we have recruited ☆ your unit, your strengths?

☆ you find a job first consider what is it?

☆ hope you pay is how much?

☆ What do you think you work for?

☆ our units graduate students, undergraduates more as a vocational college students what you think or intend?

We have recruited ☆ The staff plans to produce in the first-line, what are your thoughts?

☆ If you can not be optimistic about the job you are employed, whether they agree to change to other posts?

☆ If you can not be recruited, what are your thoughts?

☆ why your school is not good?

☆ you work on any special request?

We are not in the city ☆ units, what are your thoughts?

☆ your short-term goal?

☆ you how to assess the success?

☆ in the school during which you have participated in social practice, and gain experience of what?

2, pre-interview

1) prepare psychologically prepared for the interview

2) ready to graduate employment forms and recommend the certificates, such as "Three students," and "outstanding student cadres" and "outstanding member", "young volunteers" and other relevant certificates, foreign languages, computer skills, such as certificates certificate .

3) a copy of the relevant materials in order bookbinding, for interviews to the main test of people.

4) University during the school know, the director of the review of the system, and so do in order to take specific measures to try to answer the main question by the people.

5) to learn more about employers, such as the natural location of the units, the nature of the work, salary treatment, industry characteristics, such as development prospects.

6) maintain a good spirit, courage and confidence.

3, interview notes

1) with a good resume, recommendation forms and other relevant materials. In the application form filled out to memorize the contents of that interview might be discussed.

2) Do not forget that brought Zhi Hebi, do not forget to record important information or critical data.

3) Do not bring the same to the people, the unit will not leave the impression of self-confidence is not independent.

4) Do not arrive on time - to advance to! Best 10-15 minutes in advance, be psychologically prepared the instrument together.

5) When talking to the other side to listen carefully, do not interrupt, to answer questions when warm, frank, modest, with the other party interested in an acceptable way of expression.

6) covers a broad range of perspectives, be sure other people's point of view, even if it is part of, and then to present its point of view, this was easier to accept.

7) use the data to show that you make on the more convincing.

8) involving schools, teachers and students view, the more others talk about the merits of others, as well as help you, including your competitors to show you the quality of training, others will give a good impression.

9) Do not boast too much themselves, describe themselves, the evaluation of the use of statements that combination of specific examples have been more convincing.

10) You have to ask questions, not to mention the issue in the interview is a fatal error! Questions so that you can learn more about the company, to the point at the same time, targeted and depth of the problems you can see that the examiners to the company and job preparedness As well as the capability of the quality and.

11) should pay attention to your prompt response to the interviewer.

12) polite modesty, including the receptionist, the receptionist is often in front of examiners.

13) sit upon to maintain good posture, not to glance right and left, at the end of Good-bye, please and thank.

14) to maintain eye contact with the interviewer, to prove your self-confidence.

Nine graduates of the employment agreement entered into what procedure?

(A) of the employment process in the province

1. Shandong graduates landed the employment of college graduates search information network unit and its intention to send electronic curriculum vitae; (specifically: landing, job search / quick search, type the name of the unit, click on the demand position, curriculum vitae delivery; to be previously College in Shandong Graduate employment information network to create an electronic curriculum vitae and generate curriculum vitae)

2. Employers send graduates to sign the invitation;

3. Graduates should be about, set up on-line signing. Employment agreement automatically sent to the forensic department in charge of graduate employment;

4. Printing unit of employment agreement (in triplicate) and sealed, and graduates have signed employment agreement to review the school career center;

5. Vetted and approved schools, employment agreement employment information into a database program.

(B) Foreign employment program

Seven, how to prepare the material itself?

Zi Jianxin materials, including ourselves, are the biographical notes, transcripts, skills certificate, certificate of honor, proof of graduation, and other necessary materials and the production of the unified school graduate employment recommended list.

1, Zi Jianxin

Zi Jianxin is a graduate of self letter of introduction, the cover letter that is designed to get employers to understand, value and interest, eventually hiring employers. Employers in the recruitment process, both to the school to meet with students, or to allow students to put themselves forward to the mailing materials unit. First of all graduates often read the material itself, and which to compare screening, and then inform the choice of candidates for interview. Zi Jianxin written, the material is ready to put themselves forward for the opportunity to obtain an interview with an important role.

1) Zi Jianxin format

Zi Jianxin the general format is called, the body, at the end, such as the inscribed parts. Employers should be stated at the beginning of the personnel department leadership, "the distinguished leadership of the President, manager, or director of the Director."

The body is the core of Zi Jianxin, I should indicate that the basic conditions of employment and intention.

At the end of the body in general, according to a letter format to write "I wish success!" "Congratulations to the prosperity of the company," I wish the phrase "Sincerely, salute," and expressed the hope that there is a chance to interview, "I hope that thanks to the complex" Or "look forward to hearing from you."

Department signed on to write "who put themselves forward ×××"。 Finally, accompanied by their own schools, professional, class, name, mailing address, zip code, telephone, E-mail address and time.

2, Zi Jianxin:

◆ simple self-introduction

◆ learned professional characteristics and the application of the departments or positions

◆ in school during the study and professional courses

◆ ability to adapt to the post, computer class, language and other skills, such as grading

◆ strengths and advantages

◆ job of intent (with related materials, such as various types of certificates, and so on.)

3, Zi Jianxin Notes

Zi Jianxin should be a good basic conditions of their employment and a clear expression of intent, and to be able to read the letter left a good impression.

● opening new and clever presentation

● sincere and appropriate wording, but does not show off elegant, self-confident but not arrogant

● focus on the reality, targeted and seeking truth from facts, Qingzhenyiqie

● concise, clear and well-organized, neat handwriting

● avoid fraud, deception Employers

4, Annex

Annex include a variety of skills level certificate, a copy of an honorary certificate and so on.

5, materials list

If the content of the material Zi Jianxin more, plus the best in the home directory. Back catalog material should be the order of discharge, in order to give a clear, transparent feel.

6, cover, back cover

Ourselves the best materials coupled with the cover, back cover. Cover, back cover designed to be binding, with elegant aesthetics, the pursuit of beautiful solemn. In addition to the above requirements cover, they also have to write the next one-fifth of the Department schools, professional, the name. In the back under one-fifth of the Department to write on school address, contact information, and so on.

7, photo

A recent, hat 2-inch color photos

8, a copy of

Delivery of materials to use a copy of itself to retain the original. So that some requests for employment and the agreement itself and the original material. Therefore, in order to retain the original so good with the employers to sign the "employment agreement" to use.

Sixth, the employment of graduates recommend what form the role?

Graduate Employment table recommended by the House and the Department of completing the reunification of the stamp College graduate employment center official seal valid, the form of a comprehensive assessment and recommendations by the counselor in charge of fill, and to institute on behalf of the employing units to the recommendation is Comparison of graduates to prove the identity of the authority and reliability of the materials, the employer is the main basis for acceptance of graduates.

Graduate Employment recommended the original form only a person, students may not secretly altered, when candidates can be sent a copy to the unit, with the intention of the employment units to reach the original settlement unit.

Five graduates how to obtain employment information?

1, graduates from schools, teachers, relatives and friends, newspapers, Internet and other channels to obtain employment information;

2, college graduate employment center and the Ministry secondary hospital to collect the information needs of graduate employment is the main source of information. The channel's job to collect reliable information on the real, targeted, about 50% to 60% of the graduates from the school's release of employment information to find employment in the unit. Recommendations graduates must take full advantage of this resource, do not miss the opportunity. Based on the principle of fair competition, employment information for all graduate employment center to the timely release of all the graduates, graduates should take the initiative concerned about the employment guidance center released the information needs of employers, bearing in mind the time-sensitive information.

College graduates employment guide center, mainly through the graduate employment center field of employment promotion, employment guidance center for employment information network (www.rzbys.cn), mass SMS (Career Center each year in junior school students will be after the mobile phone statistics Number, enter Qingtongxuemen after the third, it should not replace the phone number), and other employment information published.

Fourth, there are those graduates seeking ways?

Fourth, there are those graduates seeking ways?

1. Through the school graduates seeking employment guidance;

2. Talent at all levels of society through the job market;

3. Job-seekers through the mass media;

4. Social practice through training or job search;

5. Through a variety of social relations job.

Third, students and graduates is determined by how?

To confirm the location of the students. Students identified as the location of the hospital on报省人事厅graduate students and employment programs. Shandong's students graduate students to the specific location of the counties (cities, districts), students from other provinces of graduates, students and specific to the city.

Among them, as high school admitted to the hospital, in strict accordance with the "simple registration form to enroll students" to check the students, and students can not be changed. Indeed as a result of changes in the family household, to be issued after the change in the police station where they are residing out of the household registration certificate (original), public security departments at the county level to stamp account Seal; counterparts through education (by secondary vocational schools or secondary schools) I was admitted to the hospital, students and graduates in order to confirm the location of the family household as the main basis for

Second, What is the procedure for obtaining employment?

1, recommended the school be responsible for the employment of graduates, graduates obtain jobs through various channels of information;

2, graduates and employers to meet supply and demand, two-way choice;

3, graduates and employers to sign "Graduate Employment Agreement";

4, the school "graduate employment agreement" to identify;

5, from school to the employment program graduates reported to the provincial department in charge of employment.

Employment Department opened talks responded enthusiastically to the employment of knowledge

The evening of Sept. 23, employment guidance in the Training Hall floor, held talks on job knowledge. Nearly 200 students to participate actively and earnestly to speak, interactive Q & A, the atmosphere is very warm.

Employment Service Director Hiroshi first students to explain and publicize the employment situation and the macroeconomic dynamics of employment and the employment of new college introduced new ideas and initiatives. China Ping An Insurance Human Resources Manager Wei Dong from the perspective of business recruitment, to teach the students communication skills, candidates should have the mentality, as well as the needs of business professionals, such as what kind of knowledge. Students on their interest in all aspects of the site to ask questions, answer the wonderful teachers won thunderous applauses from the atmosphere hot, warm response.

To carry out talks on the employment of knowledge to guide the work of employment is one aspect of the job will be to guide the use of the classroom for the hospital to provide direction graduates of vocational guidance.