Oct 17, 2008

Knowledge of employment asked 100

11, the state's ban on the use of child labor, which provided for?

A: According to the "Prohibition of the Use of Child Labor", state organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, the private non-enterprise units or individual industrial average can not recruit under 16 years of age by a minor (under 16 years old trick with minors, Collectively referred to the use of child labor). Prohibits any unit or individual is under 16 years of age for minors to introduce job.

12, "Labor Law" provisions of the basic rights of workers What?

A: equal employment and the right of choice of occupation; to obtain payment for labor rights; rest of the right to leave; access to health and safety protection of labor rights; vocational skills training for the right; enjoy social security and welfare rights; brought to the labor dispute to deal with the right The law, as well as other labor rights.

13, the national security of any provision of production?

A: The relevant national law, employers must establish and improve labor safety and hygiene systems, strict implementation of national work safety and hygiene rules and standards, on labor safety and health workers to carry out education, in the process of working to prevent accidents and reduce occupational hazards.

14, the state's construction safety management provisions of what?

A: The development of the country, "Construction Law" in place to protect the safety of workers has put forward specific requirements of the main elements are: (1) construction enterprises should establish and improve the labor education and training system for production safety, strengthen safety in production staff education Training; (2) without a production safety education and training of personnel, posts should not; (3) of construction companies and workers in the construction process, it should comply with the safe production of laws, regulations and safety regulations in the construction industry, a point of order, not to Irregularities or illegal operations command. Workers have the right to affect the physical health of the operating procedures and improved operating conditions, to have access to safe production of protective equipment. Workers on the life-threatening safety and health of the person entitled to act to criticize, to report and prosecute; (4) construction enterprises must be engaged in hazardous work accident insurance for employees, to pay insurance premiums; (5) in the event of an accident Construction , The construction enterprises should take urgent measures to reduce casualties and damage accidents, and in accordance with relevant state regulations in a timely manner to the government report.

15, the city state's farmers to engage in what is provided for self-employed?

A: There are countries "of urban and rural individual industrial and commercial households Provisional Regulations on Management" and "Provisional Regulations on the implementation details." Among the provisions, the viability of urban unemployed persons, rural villagers, as well as national policy to allow other staff, can apply for individual industrial and commercial activities, approved registration for individual industrial and commercial households. Individual industrial and commercial households in the national laws and policies to the extent permitted by operating industries, handicrafts, construction, transportation, commerce, catering, services, repairs and other industries. "Regulations" also provides for the management of individual industrial and commercial households and punishment.

16, the state of migrant farmers manage any provision of family planning?

A: developed countries, "family planning management of floating population." Migrant workers who left the seat of the household registration, should be based on legal marriage, identity documents, local people's governments at the county level family planning administration or township (town) people's government, the Office of the streets to prove. Prove that the contents should include: name, sex, age, marital status, identity card numbers, birth status, status of the implementation of birth control measures, family planning reward and punishment, and so on. Migrant workers to find work, should work to the residence of the township (town) people's governments at district offices or inspection proved that marriage and child rearing and family planning departments of local management.

17, the state of migrant farmers what their children to school policy?

A: (1) inflow of migrant workers in urban areas to the Government in charge of migrant workers in urban areas children receive compulsory education to primary and secondary schools run mainly full-time. (2) inflow to the Government to formulate administrative regulations, to co-ordinate doing a good job of migrant workers in urban areas children receive compulsory education work. (3) and give full play to run full-time primary and secondary schools to receive the main channel. In the Ambassador Award, Rutuan into the team, extra-curricular activities, schools should be children of migrant workers in urban areas and urban students the same. (4) the establishment of migrant workers in urban areas receive compulsory education of children in connection with the financing mechanism. (5) to take measures to ensure migrant workers in urban areas to reduce their children's education costs. Inflow to the Government to formulate employment migrant farmers for their children's education fees, to waive or reduce fees, fees with local students to do the same. (6) migrant workers into the employment of farmers and migrant workers do a good job in government employment farmers working children of compulsory education. Children of migrant workers employed farmers return to their home school, local education administration and supervision departments should guide the school in time for school, and other related procedures to prohibit any charge.

18, the state of migrant farmers in the contract and what provisions?

A: In accordance with the "Land Contract Law of the People's Republic": In the land contract period, the contractor has moved to set up small cities and towns should be in accordance with the wishes of the contractor, to retain their contracted land management rights or their right to land contractual management Circulation; contractor, the family moved into the city, to non-agricultural accounts, the contractor should be returned to grassland and arable land Fabao Fang. Failure to return the contractor, Fabao Fang able to recover the contractor of the farmland and grassland; returned to the contractor or contractors to recover the Fabao Fang contracted land, the contractor in its contract on the ground and put the land to increase production capacity, is entitled to Appropriate compensation.

For seasonal migrant workers of the farmers, it is necessary to implement the central authorities on the rural household land contract system's basic policies, Fabao Fang can not force the farmers to recover the employment of migrant workers and contractors. To support and encourage migrant workers to go out voluntarily, to transfer the right to use the contract.

Second, vocational training and looking for a job

19, what is vocational training? Where vocational training?

A: The vocational training can also be called specialized skills training. Migrant farmers, in the absence of specialized skills, looking for work will be greatly restricted. Therefore, farmers in the former migrant workers, the best according to their preferences, the labor market and strong demand, choose to participate in a particular types of vocational training, an Institute of Technology. With the skills to find a job would be easier

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