Oct 18, 2008

Five graduates how to obtain employment information?

1, graduates from schools, teachers, relatives and friends, newspapers, Internet and other channels to obtain employment information;

2, college graduate employment center and the Ministry secondary hospital to collect the information needs of graduate employment is the main source of information. The channel's job to collect reliable information on the real, targeted, about 50% to 60% of the graduates from the school's release of employment information to find employment in the unit. Recommendations graduates must take full advantage of this resource, do not miss the opportunity. Based on the principle of fair competition, employment information for all graduate employment center to the timely release of all the graduates, graduates should take the initiative concerned about the employment guidance center released the information needs of employers, bearing in mind the time-sensitive information.

College graduates employment guide center, mainly through the graduate employment center field of employment promotion, employment guidance center for employment information network (www.rzbys.cn), mass SMS (Career Center each year in junior school students will be after the mobile phone statistics Number, enter Qingtongxuemen after the third, it should not replace the phone number), and other employment information published.

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